Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun sg] because of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Monday : The beginning of the show is often a trying time because of latecomers .
2 In Middlesbrough , the grandparents of a four-year-old boy told how they paid out £300 for a private operation because of a six-month wait .
3 Patients were ineligible if they had previously undergone a colposcopic examination because of a report of abnormal cytology , if their cervical smear was taken during pregnancy , or if their cervical smear indicated atypical endocervical cylindrical epithelium .
4 The diagnosis above is a very general definition of this family which is a taxonomist 's nightmare defying a unified description because of the variety of generic forms .
5 Historically , people were not led to seek a hierarchical classification because of a belief in evolution ; rather , they were prejudiced in favour of evolution because they had found a hierarchical classification to be appropriate .
6 Two others who also became central figures within Johnny 's Circus were Bobby 's friend peter Dunbar , later to become art editor of The Financial Times and subsequently The Economist , and an Italian youth called Eric Verrico who , though not interested in talking about books , occupied a definite position because of his astonishing good looks .
7 The IFA were fortunate in that I was able to make it practically a full-time job because of my lifestyle .
8 The settings mingled with Maeterlinck and Debussy invisibly ; the whispering wind , echoes and shadows , all the invisible shaping powers in a love tragedy that comes to a cruel climax because of the chattering of an innocent child …
9 But they argue that the money supply should not be manipulated on a short-term basis because of the variable and unpredictable lag which exists before prices and money incomes are affected .
10 For over a year David wrestled with a guilty conscience because of his adultery with Bathsheba and other crimes which followed and his anguish and desire to be right with God are recorded in Psalm 51 ‘ Have mercy upon me , O God … blot out my transgressions . ’ ( v. 1 ) ‘ Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin . ’
11 The Science and Engineering Research Council , currently a complete shambles because of underfunding , could be bailed out , thus Saving British Science , for precisely P£1 : milk for two days .
12 One-2-One is also aiming at people who have never thought about owning a mobile phone because of the cost .
13 His head was at a strange angle because of the way that he 'd kind of subsided into the corner , and his eyes were slightly open .
14 Whereas in Britain , with the growth of suffrage , catholics could never be perceived as a political threat because of the smallness of their numbers , in Ireland , with the growth of the home rule movement and its accompanying nationalism , they could only be perceived as politically , religiously , and nationally subversive and suspicion of them remained .
15 MV The poet here has acquired a political status because of our peculiar history .
16 It is however a controversial project because of the cost of its electricity and the question as to whether it is needed at the present time despite electricity being the main growth area in the Brazilian energy demand picture .
17 I do not mourn for Mr. Fyfe , but is he to be branded a dishonest man because of the Government 's insensitivity in railroading through these unwanted applications ?
18 This school is a low-ability school because of its catchment area , which consists of a low social class and a high immigrant population .
19 The paradox is , of course , that this little book has achieved a fortuitous permanence because of Eliot 's fame .
20 The Hacienda de Nieve is a different place because of you . ’
21 Cramlington has a different pattern because of job creation on green-field sites in the 1970s .
22 Erm the two litre size is we i the vast majority of the market there is going to be on the doorstep and we feel that we could get away with a premium price because of that .
23 But it was only a temporary in there , like the floor and everything just a , a brown carpet because of Honey
24 She might have taken on a job as a waitress for the summer , but she was damned if she was going to let people treat her like a mindless robot because of it .
25 Stepan reverses the news-from-Peshawar standpoint of the novel by wondering what ‘ they ’ , those powerful officials in the metropolis , are thinking about ‘ us ’ and most especially about himself ; the picture of Stepan Trofimovich Verkhovensky as a marked man because of the liberal views he held and very faintly expressed long ago , both frightens him and feeds his self-importance .
26 ‘ I 'm bound to be a marked man because of the goals I 've scored this season , but there will be more along soon — I 'm sure of that .
27 Something of this split may also be observed in Britain but to a lesser extent because of the collective responsibility of the Cabinet and party control of the assembly .
28 These studies are important not only for gall stone recurrence after oral dissolution treatment but also for recurrence in any situation where the gall bladder remains in situ but the stones have been removed by percutaneous cholecystolithotomy , instillation of contact solvents such as MTBE and , to a lesser extent because of patient selection , by extra corporeal shock wave dissolution with or without adjuvant bile acids .
29 One of the authors , John Perry , director of the Institute of Housing , said yesterday that it had not been possible to calculate a Scottish figure because of differences in the financial systems .
30 He continues to serve a 14-year sentence because of reports he sent to the British Broadcasting Corporation and for ‘ possession of anti-government literature ’ .
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