Example sentences of "a [noun sg] which they could " in BNC.

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1 Two hundred years ago if you wanted to show off to the neighbours you built a tower on a hill which they could n't help but see for miles around .
2 But the message went further for it was felt that the lesson to be learned was that living standards could be maintained if unity prevailed : ‘ With the help of the Trade Union Movement , mobilized by the TUC General Council , they were enabled to secure a victory which they could not have won if they were left to fight alone . ’
3 After the object ( a toy car ) had been put at B , the boxes were locked ; with the result that most of the infants went straight to B , could not get in , and returned to A and tried to gain entry to a box which they could see ( whatever ‘ see ’ means here exactly ) was empty .
4 But the shift in focus involved in the journey south did not necessarily reposition the directors who had once rediscovered northern grime into a world which they could explore with sympathy and understanding .
5 To the English , when they returned in the fifteenth century , fortified towns provided both a military threat and a challenge which they could not ignore .
6 Going through the Cedars ' brochure with them , however , they were pleased to find a statement which they could relate to , namely that the school sets out to help children , ‘ who are having problems in learning to read , find spelling and writing difficult , are unable to express themselves well , are unable to settle and concentrate … ’
7 The doctors can recommend treatment A in preference to treatment B. They can also refuse to adopt treatment C on the grounds that it is medically contra-indicated or for some other reason is a treatment which they could not conscientiously administer .
8 The doctors can recommend treatment A in preference to treatment B. They can also refuse to adopt treatment C on the grounds that it is medically contra-indicated or for some other reason is a treatment which they could not conscientiously administer .
9 The factor which clinched their decision was the discovery of a house which they could only afford to buy if all three pooled their resources .
10 A long time ago , Alice thought , as she heard the arrival of the first of Félix 's dinner guests , she and Harry had longed to be rich in order to buy themselves a house which they could share .
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