Example sentences of "a [noun sg] that was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Entering Biarritz by the coast road like this , you end by driving along the Avenue Édouard VII , which leads down into the centre of the town and sets the tone for a resort that was for a while Europe 's princeliest .
2 Which was that Ellen had sworn herself to celibacy while she worked as a cook , a decision that was to me as eccentric as it was both incomprehensible and frustrating .
3 As Democratic majority leader in the Senate between 1954 and 1960 , he had perfected the " Johnson treatment " , a technique that was to be of immense value to him in the presidency .
4 Alix was mousy , square-faced , healthy of complexion , and , even then , extraordinarily pleasant of expression , with a pleasantness that was at times radiant , and almost always irrefutable : she was wearing , as girls who had them did for their Oxbridge interviews in those days , a two-piece middle-aged suit of an oatmeal mix , with square shoulders and a straight skirt .
5 The computer made a noise that was like crying .
6 The hand moved slowly nearer to the edge of a blanket that was over us .
7 mm there 's a photograph that was in erm Karen 's Radio Times , those two girls erm going on a diet .
8 Behind the house , the ground sloped down to the river and the waving tasselled heads of the rushes gleamed with a light that was between silver and gold .
9 It seems to have been a religion that was in transition , which may explain some startling contradictions or apparent contradictions .
10 So , when I found I wanted to write a book that would reflect a little on whether we should strive to be perfect or settle for the second-best but practical , I realised I would have to have a murder that was in some way imperfect .
11 Mark sensed a tension that was like static electricity in the air .
12 As Le Cerf 's use of the terms ton and mode is somewhat confused this was perhaps exactly what he had in mind ; certainly his contemporary Michel de Saint Lambert was employing ton in the sense of a tonic upon which one could build a piece that was in either the major or minor mode .
13 It also agreed to simplify the rules governing the trade of sensitive technology between members of COCOM , a question that was of particular interest to members of the European Communities ( EC ) .
14 Only the threat of revolution and the defeat of Germany prevented the plan from being put into action , but it was a plan that was to surface again under the Nazis .
15 This meant grappling with a panic that was like an asphyxiation .
16 ‘ Far from helping Third World governments to realise their development goals , excessive reliance on mass media had , in fact , generated consumerism and a new individualism which , in turn , had stimulated demand to a degree that was beyond the capacity of the economy to absorb , ’ writes Mr Jayaweera .
17 The boy laughed again , a laugh that was like the growl of a wild animal , then disappeared among the bushes .
18 On 11 June 1935 , without consulting the Poles , the Danzig Senate imposed currency and exchange controls — a move that was in direct contravention of the Danzig-Polish Accords .
19 Historicity is a mode of knowledge for some societies but can not ipso facto claim to be the fundamental basis of knowledge for all of them — a point that was to be re-emphasized by Foucault in The Order of Things .
20 He thought of the latrine and the T-junction of a water-main pipe , and a hole that had been carved from the snow and frozen earth , and a screw top cover that was lagged at night , and a place that was in shadow from the arc lamps of the perimeter fences .
21 I was reading an article only in the last couple of days where it was talking about not particularly tourism , it was talking about a business that was in difficulty , and it said , you know , do you actually make people redundant , you do you stop advertising and you know the bottom line is you 've got to keep advertising because if you do n't tell people you 're there nobody 's going to come and buy your product , whatever it is , and you 're going to disappear anyway .
22 When it was first available 1-2-3 Release 3 was a product that was before its time — a 3D spreadsheet that allowed file linking and more than one program to be open at a time .
23 That is one version : another is that Arnoux was using Nguyen as a police spy , a charge that was to be made again and again .
24 It was a theme that was to be taken up by mediators between the two kingdoms until the outbreak of the Hundred Years War .
25 And she left him with a quick glance from her eyes , dark as an otter 's pelt , and a smile that was like a gift .
26 And the dream took her into hospital where the nice young man was lying in bed with his head bandaged and she was holding his hand ; and the dream brought a little comfort to the events of a night that was to be the turning point in her life .
27 He would he 'd been identified as a character that was at least stirring up trouble , but gradually this filtered through to the authorities .
28 This is a devastating commentary on the state of a relationship that was among the greatest — some would argue the greatest — in international rugby .
29 It was easy to cast a slug that was of the body size , therefore your paragraphs were separated by a slug that was the body size , you did n't put a three point which is what you 'd have probably wanted .
30 The sight of his small and snake-like frame weaving through packed defences virtually established the image of the tiny and recalcitrant Scottish forward , a mantle that was to be worn with tetchy pride by successors like Willie Henderson , Jimmy Johnstone , Gordon Strachan , David Speedie and Mo Johnston .
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