Example sentences of "a [noun sg] to be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Does the Minister agree with the view therefore , that nurses that nurses should be given the authority to admit patients to hospital provided there is a bed without having to wait for a decision to be to be made by a doctor ?
2 However , not long after , Grisewood resigned and Mrs Whitehouse later said that he was , to her mind , ‘ too sincere and too gentle a Christian to be at ease amongst the demolition men who frequented the BBC at the time ’ .
3 Opposition parties , including the liberal Kuwait Democratic Forum , gave a cautious welcome to the government 's proposed schedule for elections , but argued that the endorsement of urgent reconstruction plans required a parliament to be in place sooner rather than later .
4 In some respects this wish can be granted , but in general even if applicable theory exists it is often of too great a complexity to be of use to practical scientists .
5 Extract from a letter received from a disabled resident at Sussexdown ‘ It really is a privilege to be in such a lovely place , and to be so well cared for , there ca n't , I 'm sure , be another Home like it in the whole of Britain . ’
6 of a force to be on the beat .
7 It is a pleasure to be of service . ’
8 And a true gentleman he remains to this day : ever sunny , ever a pleasure to be with .
9 He was a man , she discovered again , who was extremely good company , who could talk on any given subject and make one want to hear more , and whom it was a pleasure to be with .
10 ‘ The family is honestly a pleasure to be with and they 're lovely , well-brought up children . ’
11 She continued : ‘ My kitchen would be in the other … what a luxury to be in my mother and able to look outside … !
12 ‘ God sent all artists here because it can be such a drag to be on this planet , ’ said the star .
13 The weakness in passenger traffic , which fell 8 p.c last year , and operating losses have not prevented the airline from launching the most successful expansion programme among European airlines so far , in a bid to be among the few groups which are expected to survive deregulation over the next few years .
14 Ideally , said Mr Edwards , he would like a consultant to be on duty full-time in the labour ward but because of financial constraints that was impossible .
15 Nevertheless : If a teacher has , himself , to go down into the library with the whole class , or if you can only afford a third of a teacher to be in the library at certain times , then you are quite simply restricting the amount of work that can go on .
16 There is no special law allowing A , B , and C to meet together in the open air or elsewhere for a lawful purpose , but the right of A to go where he pleases so that he does not commit a trespass , and to say what he likes to B so that his talk is not libellous or seditious , the right of B to do the like , and the existence of the same rights of C , D , E , and F and so on ad infinitum , lead to the consequence that A , B , C , D and a thousand or ten thousand other persons , may ( as a general rule ) meet together in any place where otherwise they each have a right to be for a lawful purpose and in a lawful manner .
17 ‘ When we had ascended a little more than half-way , I was much afraid we should have been doomed to return , on account of the masses of rock , over which we had to climb , beginning to increase in size ; we knew , however , that a descent would have been attended with infinite danger , and being urged on partly by eagerness in our pursuit , but more from a desire to be at the top , we determined to brave every difficulty .
18 ‘ I may say I am surprised to hear you express a desire to be in your grave quite yet .
19 If the person has been prepared for First Communion by being helped to develop a sense of belonging with others who believe , by being helped to develop a sense of the sacred , and by being helped to develop a sense of the presence of Jesus , and a desire to be in communion with Him and in communion with the others present , the experience of First Communion will be rich and powerful .
20 An empowering statute will often frame the jurisdictional requirement in the following terms : if the Secretary of State has reasonable cause to believe , for example , a person to be of hostile origin , he may imprison him .
21 ‘ We wanted these players all to know that each one of them had a chance to be in the French Davis Cup team .
22 Similarly , no dog could perceive a bone to be inside a box in the way in which human adults can , because a baby 's sensorimotor understanding of spatial concepts is radically transformed ( not merely added to ) by learning of language .
23 It really gives me a kick to be of some use like this . ’
24 The longer scheme is widely thought to be better and I should like it to be more at the centre of the proposals , as I want the environment as a whole to be at the centre .
25 At the time when you started your first gallery was it unusual for a woman to be in charge ?
26 That case , if it was correct , would make it unnecessary for a lease to be of a certain duration .
27 In its place only a sense of duty and a wish to be of help to the people she had come to love kept Shelley from despair .
28 It was a relief to be on something like solid ground again , even if the terrain did resemble the jumbled building bricks of a gigantic child .
29 They were relaxed , joking amongst themselves ; it was a relief to be on a march where they did n't expect trouble after the last few weeks of demonstrations and violence .
30 It was a relief to be in the open air again but , lacking a street-rap , I decided to take a taxi to the riverside and find my way about from there .
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