Example sentences of "a [noun sg] have [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The arrival of the British had been impressive : on 24 December 1807 a squadron had anchored in Funchal under the command of Admiral Samuel Hood and consisted of four ships of the line , four frigates and sixteen ships for transporting troops , carrying two regiments of infantry and two companies of artillery .
2 No mother of a case had worked at a nuclear establishment before her child 's conception , and no mother had a record of being monitored for exposure to ionising radiation at any time before diagnosis ( table V ) .
3 Quite a bit had spilled over the floor already so nobody would notice any more .
4 When the six LEAs in the Rampton survey were studied again for the Swann Report , a larger proportion of Afro-Caribbean pupils were obtaining academic qualifications : the percentage of such pupils obtaining five or more higher grades at O level and CSE and those obtaining one or more passes at A level had doubled in the period from 1979 to 1982 .
5 By the Domestic Violence and Matrimonial proceedings Act 1976 , protection against eviction from the dwelling a mistress has shared with her lover was introduced , and a host of cases decided under the Act have proved the efficacy of this enactment to safeguard a woman 's residential rights , often against physical violence by her former partner .
6 It 's always good , too , to hear how much being a winner has meant to you .
7 ‘ I think the fame of being a footballer has gone to his head .
8 A drip had landed on my head .
9 In July 1986 windsurfers shocked the sailing world with the news that a board had travelled at the astonishing speed of 38.86 knots which is nearly 44 mph .
10 A drain had overflowed at the end of the road and water was running down the tarmac .
11 All attempts at providing such a measure have proved to be abortive .
12 Once a beginner has got past the teething part of theory , his mind must be concentrated on the clubhead .
13 Quote the story of the old soldier who saw that a watch had fallen into a bear-pit , climbed down into it , and was eaten .
14 Even the methods of getting information in and out of a computer have changed beyond recognition .
15 It was so weird it made my hair stand on end ; it was almost as if a ghost had walked into the room .
16 On May 6 an attempt by opposition deputies in the People 's Assembly to remove Gramoz Rucaj from the post of caretaker Interior Minister because of the Shkodër events had been defeated , but a majority had voted in favour of dismissing Procurator General Rrapo Mino and head of the Investigator-General 's Office Qemal Lane .
17 out , it had blown and a flash had gone onto my cotton dressing gown my towelling
18 Which a try 's got ta cross the line , you have to throw it .
19 A scientist has resigned from FoE 's board of directors in protest against the organisation 's decision to adopt a low profile over oil spills caused by the Gulf war .
20 The complicated organs of an advanced animal like a human or a woodlouse have evolved by gradual degrees from the simpler organs of ancestors .
21 Daisy had one baby and then another , and Fred and Arthur did a television series together directly after the first child was born , but a reserve had come between them and their companionship was n't quite the same .
22 Head of state : King Mswati III who acceded in April 1986 [ see pp. 34337 ] , after a regency had ruled since the death in 1982 of his predecessor King Sobhuza II .
23 Although there is no worldwide ban on TBT in anti-fouling paints , legislation exists in many countries to prohibit its use on yachts and pleasure craft , and such a ban has existed in Britain since 1987 .
24 We phoned a good , dear friend who as a midwife had gone to much trouble and arranged to deliver the baby .
25 Clayton 's development as a photographer had accelerated at a rapid pace and within 12 months he won 12 awards , including :
26 Another time , a photographer had ventured onto the reef that rose up from the sea at the far corner .
27 When she resumed her story her voice was different , flat and uninflected , as she told him that one day a journalist and a photographer had come to Chastlecombe to do a feature on the shopping arcade for the colour magazine of one of the Sunday papers .
28 Then , gradually , a change had come over him .
29 This option enables you to view the packages which a user has been selected to approve and which a user has submitted for approval .
30 In particular , it is well established that when a statute has conferred on any body the power to make decisions affecting individuals , the courts will not only require the procedure prescribed by the statute to be followed , but will readily imply so much and no more to be introduced by way of additional procedural safeguards as will ensure the attainment of fairness .
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