Example sentences of "a [noun sg] be [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A variety is the Red Angus , and derivatives are the American Angus and German Angus .
2 Secondly in a microhierarchy are the terrestrial entities of physics , chemistry , biology , sociology and international organizations which are atoms , molecules , molecular compounds , crystals , cells , multi-cellular organisms and communities of organisms .
3 Among newly-invented cheese dishes which seem to me worth a trial are a French Welsh Rabbit and an Anglo-Irish fondue .
4 Begun in the 1220's , two powerful towers on a crag are the dominant features of this castle , which stands above a deep gorge overlooking the River Teifi , famed for its coracle fishermen .
5 For grandparents , a grandchild is a continuing dividend from their original investment of love , as well as a stake in the future : a part of them that will be living on , long after they are gone .
6 And reaching 30 in a recession is a special problem in itself — I may have to tread water in my career for some years because there is no chink of promotion in my business .
7 This nota this notation , is mapping notation , because amongst other things , a function is a special case of a mapping .
8 But how are we going to decide whether a function is a public one or not ?
9 In the end , the question of whether a function is a public one is a political question which may not always be answered in the same way .
10 We have also seen that there is no mechanical way of deciding whether a function is a public one or not .
11 repeat courses for those who wished to remain in full-time education but for whom A level was an unrealistic target .
12 The mirror image of a helix is a precise replica of it except that no amount of turning will allow you to superimpose one on the other .
13 The twisting of the chain into a helix is a large number of small twists by the individual amino acids .
14 A Decision is a binding administrative measure used in individual cases to implement the Treaties where the institutions themselves are responsible , such as the Commission decision to grant aid to the UK coal industry .
15 A budget is a short — or long-term financial expression of an agreed plan .
16 A gastroscopy is a diagnostic procedure involving the direct observation of the upper gastrointestinal tract with a flexible fibre optic tube which is passed down the oesophagus .
17 A shell is a generic term for a software interface which encompasses and controls activities which take place within it .
18 In the hive cities which stud that deathly world , as warts crust the face of a plague corpse , to join a gang is a swift route to maturity — though equally this offers no guarantee of survival .
19 The primary-school headteacher then ensures that a clear message goes out to the effect that an early , informal , friendly or affectionate discourse in which printed words play a part is a welcome foundation for any school 's reading programme .
20 The pact between Hitler and Chamberlain at Munich in September 1938 had confirmed Eliot 's sense that the civilization of which he was a part was a worthless and immoral one : " I felt a deep personal guilt and shame for my country and for myself as part of that country , " he wrote a few months later .
21 The end of a sentence is a familiar and obvious example of syntactic completion , while the achievement of a structural goal is an acknowledged feature of poetic structure .
22 An important indication ( although , as we shall see , not a sufficient one ) that a portion of a sentence is a semantic constituent is that its semantic contribution to the sentence is the same as that which it makes to other , different sentences ; in other words , it carries what is in some sense a constant meaning from context to context .
23 ( Slobin used a verification task in which subjects had to decide whether a sentence is a true description of a subsequently presented picture , and Herriot asked subjects to name the actor and acted-upon . )
24 Essentially , we want to say that a sentence is an abstract theoretical entity defined within a theory of grammar , while an utterance is the issuance of a sentence , a sentence-analogue , or sentence-fragment , in an actual context .
25 This insistence on the plurality of meanings in a text is the logical consequence of the absence of any authorial intention in literature .
26 Your move to obtain a refund is the right one .
27 Wallace suggested that some outward sign of distastefulness was necessary to ‘ indicate to its would-be destroyer that a caterpillar was a disgusting morsel ’ .
28 Here the campus is king and no breath of doubt is admitted that time spent at a university is the decisive influence on life , even if the claims of life take one willingly , even defiantly , out of universities forever .
29 It is established that , a university being an eleemosynary charitable foundation , the visitor of the university has exclusive jurisdiction to decide disputes arising under the domestic law of the university .
30 The old woman was lying on her back ; the only part of her that was n't flat as a board was the hillocky outline of her feet beneath the bedclothes .
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