Example sentences of "a [noun sg] which will [adv] " in BNC.

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1 On behalf of ‘ Spokes ’ , the Lothians Cycle Campaign , I obtained permission earlier this year from British Waterways for volunteers from Spokes to upgrade parts of the Union Canal towpath from Hermiston ( just west of the Edinburgh bypass ) to Ratho , the aim being to provide an all-weather surface , suitable for all groups of users , on a route which will eventually form a continuous link from the centre of Edinburgh to the countryside of West Lothian , and thus provide an excellent means for city residents to enjoy the amenities of the countryside in environmentally friendly ways , ie. by walking and cycling .
2 It will also be specially targeted at pensioners and disabled people who do not currently pay rates , a decision which will probably add 400,000 pensioners to the beneficiaries .
3 Speeches on such occasions , and reports of them , are protected by " qualified privilege " — a defence which will only fail if the plaintiff can show that the defendant was actuated by malice .
4 ‘ One telephone call which could easily have been faked from any phone box , a letter which no one outside the family has seen , and a pay-off which will supposedly take place once arrangements have been made over a telephone number they refuse to disclose .
5 The warblers ' own young are turfed out of the deeply cupped reed nest by the cuckoo chick soon after it hatches and the foster parents find themselves feeding an enormous monster with a huge red gape and insatiable appetite — a monster which will eventually grow to three times their size .
6 Finally , as in England , the MSC in Wales , together with the further education colleges , is busily making preparations for the introduction in September 1983 of the Youth Training Scheme , a programme which will greatly increase the pressure on the colleges , to provide suitable courses of further education .
7 On historical form , the Liberal Democrats will agree either to support a minority Labour government which will be short lived , or join a coalition which will swiftly become unpopular .
8 It 's a tragedy which will probably set us back a generation .
9 Now we 've got another daughter and a son and they 've got a home which will always be here for them . ’
10 This new recording does full justice to a work which will inevitably become acknowledged as yet another hypnotic masterpiece from the great master 's glorious plume .
11 The allocation of labour to activities can be plotted as a histogram which will invariably show peaks and troughs .
12 Once learned , saddlery is a skill which will always be there when you need it .
13 Yesterday officers from the City of London police set up a roadblock on Lower Thames Street — a scene which will now be repeated throughout the country .
14 Coleman tell us that an unleaded version of the stove is on its way — a move which will greatly reduce running costs .
15 Rangers had no such inhibitions : a night which will certainly be enshrined in the history of the club under ‘ minor miracles ’ called for what Alex Ferguson calls ‘ men of character ’ .
16 Thirdly , there is a concern to explain to the Community that if there are to be compensations , we can not create a whole new system of compensatory payments which will last for ever at a price which will never be able to be paid .
17 Orange or red nut feeders are especially attractive to siskins , but if there are squirrels around it may be worth the extra expense of a tough model such as the Gilbert squirrel-proof feeder , which has a nut basket surrounded by a mesh which will only allow the birds through .
18 Most page printers will come with a selection which will invariably include a serif face such a Times , a sans serif face like Helvetica and , often , a monospaced face .
19 Playing with pebbles is unlikely to prove a novelty which will simply wear off .
20 Dying is not romantic , and death is not a game which will soon be over …
21 Concern about rabies may seem a somewhat trivial issue in a discussion of the huge topic of preventing infection , but it serves as a reminder that prevention is a subject which will always be fundamental to maintaining a safe environment , though the precise nature of the concern will vary among countries and over time .
22 Wedding bells are merely an incidental punctuation in a life which will already be committed to career , aerobic class and the occasional night with the lasses .
23 But the life that will be always remembered stems from a journey which will never be forgotten — that commemorated by the space of sea between the statues in Chile and Cebu , a distance of some 12,000 miles .
24 The cadences of intense sadness and horror serve to intensify the feeling of devotional longing for a love which will somehow heal this dying process yet is integrally linked with , and expressed through it : The very repetition of the invocation " swete Ihesu " which does not appear in the short version gives a feeling of relief .
25 I am sure that the 7 million or so patients who will benefit from nurses being able to prescribe will be grateful that he has chosen a Bill which will certainly be passed and will certainly — once it has reached the statute book and is implemented — have practical benefits for that many patients .
26 The Training Trust are inviting mums and children to submit their homemade cards — and a £1 charity donation — to a competition which will eventually yield a national winner .
27 It gives an outline of OUP 's plan to produce a new , up-to-date , and continually updatable version of the OED , a version which will also be available in machine-readable form with commercial potentialities .
28 A market maker ( price maker ) is a bank which will always deal in one or more currencies .
29 Why then can you pass the ball into the '22 , a situation which will only arise if you have support there to pass to .
30 It is relatively easy , for example , to envisage a complementary relationship between a profiling system which is primarily confined to the pastoral work of a school which will then complement the more conventional assessment procedures .
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