Example sentences of "a [noun sg] but [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Corbett hurriedly dressed , refused the kind offer of a horse but accepted the services of a guide to take him through Edinburgh to the castle .
2 It was not a question of implying a term but giving the proper construction to the relevant word .
3 could say to a parent but look the timetable says
4 Tallis stayed with Scathach for a while but found the atmosphere in the long-house increasingly uncomfortable ; it was smoky , and her lungs became choked .
5 He does n't take a sample but examines the water gushing through a drain from under the road , just where we 've entered the river culvert .
6 The best publican is the one who buys you a drink but puts the money in the till . ’
7 On the UK economy Jim admits small business is taking a hammering but blames the banks , and problems in Germany and the U.S. , ahead of the Tories .
8 Thus H-YRDN ( which is translated throughout the Bible as Jordan ) is not the name of a river but means the ‘ Ridge ’ and refers to a huge escarpment which dominates Asir and explains , says Salibi , why the Old Testament nowhere makes reference to the Jordan as a river .
9 Do n't lose your balance and have a tantrum but face the situation and see if you really want to be drawn into it .
10 Many of the latter were young , in their twenties , and included ‘ yuppies ’ in City and financial institutions who might not smoke a lot but took the attitude that they would smoke more at work if people pressured them over their habit .
11 It is even more useful if people have produced verbal statements without explanation , or have given you a formula but missed the underlying structure .
12 Bruce , a second-hand dealer for 15 years , said he had taken away the items in a van but returned the next day because he wanted to buy a chest of drawers .
13 Cold War tensions might be at an end but did the Soviets not retain a huge nuclear arsenal , and how quickly could Strategic Arms Reduction Talks ( START ) be expected to progress ?
14 He did not wait for an answer but led the way through to the kitchen .
15 He was hit over the head and broke an ankle but disarmed the 6ft raider and sent him packing .
16 The Lonrho case establishes this as an exception but leaves the court with the problem of determining what is meant by an ascertainable class .
17 The European indoor champion is still deciding whether to lodge an appeal but maintains the stance of innocence he has taken since being sent home in disgrace from Barcelona on the eve of the Olympic Games .
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