Example sentences of "a [noun sg] he was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In a flash he was on his feet , followed instantly by Baal and Set .
2 Quick as a flash he was at her side , catching her before she hit the ground , his arm hooking behind her knees to scoop her up into the air .
3 And in a second he was under the Man 's arm and out through the cage door , free and gliding over towards the fence by the benches .
4 For a second he was in two minds about it .
5 For a while he was in financial difficulties , but by 1801 , after Paul 's assassination , he was working again at Tsarskoe Selo for the dowager empress and in 1802 Alexander I , the new emperor , appointed him architect-in-chief to the Admiralty , where he carried out minor works .
6 More like a grandson than a nephew he was to me . ’
7 But then , with a cry of surprise , he found my horse , and in a minute he was on its back .
8 One week before attending the special clinic , Jonathan had noticed some staining of his underpants and on examining his penis , not a thing he was in the habit of doing , he found that he could express a little clear mucoid discharge from it .
9 her new neighbour from next door came out to give us a hand he was off taking it back in the house again !
10 ‘ Of course , when he was on a binge he was in no shape to have sex , so he brought it in .
11 I suppose we thought Vic must have said try it this way because Matt and I were already into our quarrel and it shows what a pro he was to his fingertips that he carried on as per normal .
12 Within an hour he was at the northern boundary of the Waste .
13 An etymologist he was to the bitter end .
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