Example sentences of "a [noun sg] that [noun prp] have " in BNC.

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1 The pack animals were large tawny-coloured beasts of a kind that Rostov had only ever seen in illustration .
2 Came the day when a robed elder Inquisitor activated a palm-tattoo that Jaq had never seen before , and spoke to him the words :
3 Shakespeare makes the point about interpretation that modern research in theories of vision and the education of young children has confirmed — that we are all taught to see — by Iago 's prediction of the view that Othello , hidden in the normally superior position of the eavesdropper , will take of his imminent conversation with Cassio : After the scene has turned out exactly as predicted , Iago checks on his victim 's responses : The Signifier here , the handkerchief , has been made by Iago to yield a meaning which is totally false , but which he has put upon it with so much circumstantial detail — Shakespeare 's diligence in this point risks pushing his plot into the incredible — that Othello can only see it as a present that Cassio has received from Desdemona and has ‘ given … his whore ’ .
4 It 's a compliment that Rover have asked the Faringdon factory to build the new bodyshells .
5 He likes my sticky , sweaty body which smells of nectarine and baby oil and a spliff that Jo has rolled beneath a shadowy cove of eucalyptus .
6 ‘ It 's a pity that Stephen has met this girl who seems to want his every free minute or he 'd be company for you . ’
7 It was just a pity that Luke had n't decided to ignore her as well , Maria reflected wryly .
8 The latter part of the above signal refers to a plan that Stirling had concocted with the RAF during his last brief visit to Cairo .
9 There was nothing revealing about Culley 's pause — the surprise was genuine , as if Sanchez had come straight to a point that Culley had intended to arrive at slowly .
10 It was a place that Jed had found by chance during his first few weeks in Adam 's Creek .
11 News page is a job that Meany has endeavoured to thrust upon himself with the kind of enthusiasm reserved for African Pygmies on an Easter rhino hunt .
12 Mr Kallisher told the jury : ‘ The defendant tried to raise in the minds of the police a suspicion that Julie had been dealing with drugs stolen from the hospital and perhaps her murder was connected with that , not with him . ’
13 A desire that Tony had never evoked in her floated through her veins like liquid fire , and she found herself responding eagerly , wantonly , to his caresses .
14 There was a sound that London had .
15 344 for 1 meant a nine-wicket victory in a match that England had thought they might win .
16 We were in the forest to try to get less deep snow , he was told ; we were going to a campsite that Odd-Knut had prepared .
17 And a card ‘ Happy Easter to My Mum ’ with a by now much bedraggled feather stuck on a drawing of , she supposed , an egg , that Clarissa had done at Nursery School ; and a hyacinth in a pot that Tom had got for Mother 's Day .
18 He had suspected for a while that Nancy had become tired of Bill Sikes ' brutality and violence , and that she had found a new friend to take his place .
19 But if the death of Hastings was a sign that Gloucester had made up his mind to take the throne , this was not yet something which could be admitted .
20 But if the death of Hastings was a sign that Gloucester had made up his mind to take the throne , this was not yet something which could be admitted .
21 I wore a suit that Mary had seen in a second-hand shop in Paris and insisted I bought so that at least I had one outfit I could put on for interviews without worrying whether it looked OK or not .
22 Via other programs , it is also possible to implement fax and modem sharing , a facility that Mainlan has in common with most other P2P network systems .
23 We are back with the problem which Eliot had considered in March 1914 when one of his seminar colleagues , Sen Gupta , had read a paper that Eliot had written dealing with the work of Lévy-Bruhl ‘ on primitive race-psychology ’ and the ‘ law of participation ’ , a paper in which it was stated that , ‘ Causality is something which can be explained away but not explained .
24 It is a debate that Porter has continued across the years .
25 One book included a comment that Hitler had a ‘ mystical appeal ’ to women , but fails to discuss why or how , and suggests that Hitler 's views on the home as women 's place seem old-fashioned to us today , something unfortunately far from the case .
26 ‘ She does n't get out much ’ , a phrase that Shirley had learned to use of her mother to forestall enquiry , impertinence , sympathy : a middle-aged phrase that she heard in her own voice as parody — indeed , she had noticed that when ‘ the family ’ gathered together all of them spoke in parodies of clichés , and some of them knew quite well that they were doing it .
27 She disappeared through a door that George had not noticed before and called over her shoulder , ‘ Take your coat off and get comfy . ’
28 Some of the women who were followers of Jesus had returned from the tomb where Jesus had been buried , saying that it was empty , that they had been told in a vision that Jesus had risen from the dead .
29 It was a word that Masklin had only known for a year .
30 What he 's saying to us here is that that there is a reason that Jesus had been condemned and that those who had the authority to do so had carried out their work .
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