Example sentences of "a [noun sg] is [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The thing that 's nice about being a housewife is you have your own time — there 's nobody behind you with a punch card …
2 The trouble with arriving early at a park is you do n't look convincing pretending to take an interest in the roses .
3 But statistics by themselves were never enough to satisfy the inquiring mind of a man who says : ‘ The measure of greatness in a cricketer is nothing to do with numbers , but is in the occasions which watchers remember with joy — think of McCabe and his three extraordinary innings . ’
4 Deconstructionists believe that it is impossible to reach at the ‘ truth ’ of a text , because every interpretation of a work is itself open to interpretation — endlessly .
5 Her own approach as a judge is she feels specific to her and that does not mean that women are specially suited to family law .
6 A scene is something created by others , a vibe is real .
7 Yet the strangest aspect of racing as a business is it supports another unconnected , but much larger , business .
8 Well the trouble with making it in a jar is you do n't get much skin do you ?
9 The style of a room is what gives it its own particular character .
10 ( What kind of a rest is it meant to be for me with a querulous adolescent ?
11 The theatre as a whole is I think becoming less abstemious , more expressionistic and romantic in style . ’
12 The question of whether society has a right to take a life for a life is one guaranteed to raise heated debate .
13 The question of whether society has a right to take a life for a life is one guaranteed to raise heated debate .
14 This is the er er Jesus the Christ such a man is who denies him .
15 Through our misjudgement of their knowledge , metaphor becomes a lie , and we are left with the disturbing conclusion that the truth of a message is something constructed by sender and receiver , and not only as is usually held to be the casea quality of the sender 's intention or the message itself .
16 No matter how good a book is it has its faults , and these give the reviewer the chance to display his knowledge .
17 Another reason for a rethink is what has been called the European dimension .
18 ( A migrant is one intending to stay out or in for more than 12 months . )
19 The simulacrum within a simulacrum is what survives , though its status as a ‘ pseudo ’ reality has been recognized .
20 A scar is what happens when the word is made flesh . ’
21 For someone whose life has been lived in search of the word , who perceived that ‘ a scar is what happens when the word is made flesh , ’ who owned that his education began on hearing of the Holocaust , it is not a convincing comment .
22 Essentially , what you have inside an atom is you have a very small mass of core , called the nucleus , and around this nucleus you have lighter particles called electrons , which orbit in closed orbits .
23 His uncertainty principle ( discussed in detail in Chapter 5 ) says that if I know where an electron is I have no idea of what it is doing and , conversely , if I know what it is doing I do not know where it is .
24 What I 'd like you to do this evening if you will erm as an exercise is you know you were talking about erm asking questions listening to the answers speaking the same language watching erm talk the language .
25 So once you get towards , take a clock in , make sure you pace yourself , and say at the end of that just put in a sort of sentence to make it look as if it 's been finished off Erm , what I usually do when I do an exam is I spend the first five minutes actually looking at the questions because initially you look for the ones that you 've revised and you see but there may be others there , there 're you can do in a slightly different way than the way that they first appear and that might help you quite a bit , although there are no trick questions in this .
26 Karajan would give that fantasist all the freedom he needed because he knew that what appeals to an audience is something arising out of the immediate performance , out of something that is happening within the mind of the musician at that moment .
27 I think an MP is there to respond to correspondence , and I 'm very surprised that he takes issue with one of our officers because she does n't happen to be the Chief Officer , and I 'm very sad about that .
28 ‘ Having an idea is nothing to go by . ’
29 Similarly , the officer 's conception of an emergency is something demanding instant action to correct a problem rather than to apprehend a violator .
30 We need to look beyond the social position readers already occupy to the ways in which reading as an activity is itself structured in different contexts .
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