Example sentences of "a [noun sg] it have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is a pity it has to be done this way , ’ Sandor observed .
2 Er when you did get a suit it had to be kept for Sunday , for going to chapel you see , and if you were going to have a new suit it would always be at anniversary time , you did n't get one every anniversary .
3 Ah , the time has come , my friends , ’ he informed William and Joe , ‘ that the world shall know what an artiste it has in Auguste Didier and I shall begin with your whiting , messieurs . ’
4 If a scenario for action is to be socially and politically acceptable in an area it has to be linked into people 's beliefs about their present positions and purposes .
5 To such an end it had for some time been seeking to intensify contacts with both Tehran and Baghdad .
6 Seven years ago Lyons Tetley called in the Mass Observation research agency ( a WPP subsidiary ) to help determine whether there was any future in an idea it had for differentiating Tetley teabags from those of competitors .
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