Example sentences of "a [noun sg] and their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Vacancies were normally filled by the commissioners ' presentation by the end of the century , but that presentation could be a formality and their autonomy restricted to the rejection of manifestly unqualified candidates .
2 Other mechanisms must have played a part and their inclusion could alter the best-fit climate sensitivities significantly and lead to improved values for the explained variance .
3 Infected adults develop a cough and their skin and ears turn blue .
4 No industry that I know would ever have publicly exposed such a failure and their frankness in so doing should do nothing but increase public confidence in the honesty and integrity of those concerned and also in their total commitment to the safe and efficient operation of the station .
5 Subjects did not start their description until the film section had finished , at which point they spoke into a microphone and their description was recorded .
6 Costs of this magnitude and doubts about the ability to recoup them through improvements in efficiency or other gains are likely to be a significant disincentive to attempting a take-over and their scale suggests that they constitute a barrier behind which sub-optimally performing boards can find a substantial measure of protection .
7 The Code is drafted so that it does not impose any obligations on the parties to a takeover and their directors which would place them in conflict with their legal duties .
8 And it was in this frame of mind that I undertook the journey to visit a witchdoctor who reputedly had the ability to establish contact between a person and their ancestors .
9 This umbrella term covers a large number of different therapies , which concentrate strongly on the ‘ wholeness ’ of a person and their potential for good .
10 Thermal stations burning coal , oil or nuclear fuel work 24 hours a day and their output is less easy to adjust .
11 At each stage , if they pass , the employees name badge moves up a colour and their pay increases accordingly .
12 the formulation and general application of a unified Defence policy relating to the Armed Forces of the Crown as a whole and their requirements .
13 As so often , it is the monstrous ones that stick in the mind : two gross , splayed pairs of legs about to join the rest of the body they belong to in the maw of two amiable-looking man-eaters ( reminiscent of Oloron ) ; two horribly bent captives , their feet tied by a cord and their heads looking as if they are propped upright on sticks — strange motifs , yet motifs all the same , because they are not unique to Lescar .
14 Interference in the divisions ' management decisions is kept to a minimum and their autonomy is largely preserved .
15 Because wha we 're talking about a very age old attitude which is that a mother and a father and their children ar , is the correct unit , should stay together , at least until the children are grown up and probably well beyond ?
16 They would do a tour and their singles would still be in the warehouse because Red Rhino could n't afford to pay for the pressing and things like that , ’ says Debbie Kaye .
17 In the present case , the agreement … professed an intention by both parties to create a licence and their belief that they had in fact created a licence .
18 Pupils will also be asked about the nature and frequency of their use of a home-computer and their experience of CAL .
19 The winner will carry off a camera and their entry , along with the best runners-up submissions , will be featured in Watchword , the national magazine of Watch .
20 This identifies the sources of funds made available to a bank and their utilisation in order to make profits .
21 Ten had had a hysterectomy and their postmenopausal state was confirmed biochemically by measurement of serum gonadotrophins ; the age of these patients at their menopause could not be estimated .
22 The couple stayed together for little more than a year and their son died before he was 12 months old , an incident that was to haunt Gallacher throughout his precociously successful playing career .
23 Today many live on something close to the Church 's minimum stipend of £12,200 a year and their accommodation is more likely to be in the council semi mould .
24 In this type of survey a sample of people is recruited to a panel and their attitudes are surveyed at different times .
25 The four men plucked a couple and their collie dog to safety amid crashing waves at Huntcliff , Saltburn , on January 19 .
26 Their father was a builder and their mother had run off with an Irish bricklayer .
27 Erm they 're the they 're there for a purpose and their size is there for a purpose in terms of er of the constrictions of the other road er sizing or whatever , and obviously huge vehicles who just ca n't possibly manoeuvre without going over .
28 And I tell you one of my early recollections when I went to school , I 'm going back now , was er across the way from where I lived , was a family and their name was , I remember the name although I 'd only be about nine .
29 The family live under the floorboards of a house and their life is simple , until Pod is spotted by a boy , George , and the routine of their lives is broken for ever .
30 Within the public sector we find that professional groups usually have a tremendous impact upon the culture of an organisation and their influence is felt widely throughout the decision-making channels .
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