Example sentences of "a [noun sg] and [pers pn] want " in BNC.

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1 I myself am guilty , he wrote , in that I want the glass to be seen , I want it placed in a morgue and I want people to come in and see it , pay money and come in and see it , if needs be .
2 It 's a pity in a way that we did n't have this discussion before , because I do think it 's important and I think parties these days , goodness knows what we 're matching is to , should be a bit and they want more , sort of less than putting in less fifty percent .
3 thing and that 's without a pump , so to set up it 'll cost me probably a thousand and a bit and I want and then I 'll need to have the rest of the money left over to survive
4 So I told him he 'd better go , because by this time I was bubbling a bit and I wanted to kill the man : I was n't really prepared to lose any time over hitting a court welfare officer .
5 I 'm a winner and I want to go on winning .
6 He would n't give a contract and he wanted us to work like on the , make plenty of slate but he would n't you know , he was n't prepared , thee to pay .
7 In Low Newton , in the new part , there was wash-basins in the cell , but it 's still embarrassing if you 're sharing a cell and you want a strip wash .
8 It 's all anonymous , you 're not e e e nobody know who it is , it 's for it 's for a dictionary and they want new words that are commonly used and they do n't want and all old words that never get used it 'll be dropped in the next edition of the dictionary .
9 I remember my doctor coming in my kitchen some time ago ( he 's a good friend and a gastronome and he wanted to learn ) .
10 Malcolm Crosby says Oxford was always a hard place to come and get a result and he wants to make that so again
11 You , you can have your erm if you were watching a programme and er , I 've done this , erm if you 're watching a programme and you want to see what the weather forecast is er you can have that superimposed on your programme .
12 When he was only twenty , people found him ‘ an odd fellow , a bear , a young man out of the ordinary ’ ; and even before his epileptic seizure and confinement at Croisset , the image had established itself : ‘ I am a bear and I want to stay a bear in my den , in my lair , in my skin , in my old bear 's skin ; I want to live quietly , far away from the bourgeois and the bourgeoises .
13 And if the gentleman having to put bandages on a lady and you want to put your hand underneath there just excuse me a moment , alright , because in the exam one row of you will certainly going to have a lady bandage okay , put slings on and to bandage so it 's just as well not to get to you know used to bandaging up great big chaps and then you 'll find you 've got some little tiny five foot two or five foot nothing lady bandaging in exam , alright , so swap around , so get yourselves so you 've got a partner and use your bandages and let's just see you do the high sling to start .
14 And if , somebody knows that they really , really want a child and they want it themselves and they do n't necessarily want a third person , then that it absolutely fantastic !
15 She looks at me like she 's asked a question and she wants me to answer .
16 ‘ It was a battle , but I wanted a battle and I want more of them . ’
17 ‘ It was a battle , but I wanted a battle and I want more of them . ’
18 Also , if you have a cat and you want to let it out , you could at least provided some sort of warning for the prey , so that the prey has a better chance of escaping ; such as a bell around the neck for example .
19 Wilson is a simple man like most policemen , show him a body and he wants to know whose it is , how it died and who 's responsible .
20 ‘ Right now , I 'm going to fill the big bowl with nice hot water and you are going to have a scrub and I want every bit of you to be clean , mind , including your hair . ’
21 ‘ We have basically agreed a fee and he wants to come . ’
22 Endill 's hand felt sore after a while and he wanted to ask why he would need words like ‘ pumpernickle ’ and ‘ ourang-outang ’ but thought on his first day too many questions might lead to trouble .
23 I mean , er the thing is if you 've got a name and you want to that 's the time to work for it in that little
24 Mrs Dougan , who attended the court with her husband , added : ‘ I was a friend and he wanted to speak to one of his friends . ’
25 So I want a service and I want the service from you .
26 If your living with your in-laws and you 're having a baby and you want a house or if you have a baby and then you have another baby and you 're still living with your in-laws housing need has n't changed it just grows .
27 The focus-puller 's girlfriend is having a baby and he wanted to call headquarters in Caracas to see if there was any news but Vic said no .
28 And Geoff , she said Geoff come round last night he said she is in such a muddle and it wants such a lot doing to it !
29 ‘ I have here a petition and I want you all to sign it to show those men in power that the women and children of this country think that slavery is wicked and wrong ! ’
30 He had been immersed in the clean up work for nearly a month and he wanted to be with friends who restore and collect aircraft and who could empathise more fully than most with him about the size of the task and who also might offer some constructive ideas ‘ At first I was in shock , it was too much to comprehend ’ , shared Kermit .
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