Example sentences of "a [noun sg] and [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 The minutes crawled like tired snails , but the ambulance arrived before Tom had returned from making his phone calls in the study , and with the compassionate yet businesslike speed that Belinda never ceased to admire , the paramedic ambulance officers slid Faye on to a stretcher and carried her to the waiting vehicle , where an intravenous line could be set up immediately .
2 By treating her like a whore and raping her he has become the ‘ animal ’ that Blanche thought he was .
3 And then , instead of hiding until the passage was clear , fitzAlan had given her a shove and told her to wait in the last cubicle .
4 Athelstan tossed her a coin and asked her to bring a fresh tankard and some wine whilst he roused Sir John .
5 Jackie was asked if she would take a Thoroughbred mare who had been abandoned in a field and give her a home as a brood mare — but part of the deal was that she also took the pony who had been left with her .
6 Suddenly , all the lights came on in the hospital and they eventually opened a side-door and let her in .
7 Come hell or high water , he 'd always managed to get his mother a present and to send her some flowers and a card .
8 He would bath Shanti , tell her a story and put her to bed .
9 He had to find a call-box and ring her , and — what was that ?
10 The effort exhausted her and Pat wrapped her in a blanket and carried her to Maureen 's car .
11 They 'd thrown her into a Jeep and driven her into the Heide , through the woods , to a large wooden building hidden in the trees .
12 To mark the occasion the club presented her with a tracksuit and treated her to a slap-up lunch at a Middlesbrough restaurant .
13 One of the assistants took Ruth into a fitting-room and helped her into the dress , then stood back to admire the effect .
14 Shall I give her a ring and ask her to fax it ?
15 He had helped drag her to a chair , and had watched Julius and Willi carry her out to a car and take her home .
16 Police are hunting two men who bundled a schoolgirl into a car and abducted her .
17 Stravinsky 's ballet The Firebird re-tells the most famous tale of this creature , who carried a prince to a land that had long lain asleep , there to rescue a princess and help her dispose of the witch who had enchanted her countrymen .
18 Once upon a time ( I said , and he stared bitterly bitterly at the floor ) there was a very ugly monster who captured a princess and put her in a dungeon in his castle .
19 He and my mother had been together for at least ten years when I was born , and we think now that I was her hostage to fortune , the factor that might persuade him to get a divorce and marry her .
20 On the cusp of the second zone , close to the mainline station — the place where he always went — Ellwood picked up a girl and took her home .
21 Bella was very old now and would probably be glad of a rest , George considered , so he drew the pony to a halt and walked her off the road and on to the quarry floor .
22 Robyn banged her hand on to the steering-wheel , cursing violently as she did so , and then slumped despondently with her head on her arms for a moment and lived her only recurring nightmare — that one day she would be stranded in some unknown place in the pouring rain in this damned broken-down wreck of a jeep with no one to help her .
23 Melissa glanced back for a moment and watched her plodding stolidly on her way .
24 A TIGER snatched a five-year-old girl from a van full of tourists after smashing a window with a paw and dragging her away by the head .
25 She allowed Dr Neil to sit her down on a doorstep and help her to replace her shoe , and he guarded her while she tidied her hair , and pulled her torn dress together .
26 Then Greta Ross took my mother into a room and asked her more questions .
27 The charges allege that on various occasions over the 14 months to August last year at the home , she assaulted one woman by throwing her from her bed on to a chair then a commode , putting her in a bath against her will and pulling her along a corridor , and of assaulting the second woman in a similar manner by throwing her from her bed on to a wheelchair and then a commode , dragging her across a room and tying her to a chair .
28 Whenever she could afford it Nina tried to buy one of his drawings , but most of the artists thought he was simply a nuisance and told her she was wasting her money .
29 He was sorry he 'd forgotten to pay Betty any money last year , but could he come and stay for a while and pay her then ?
30 Sometimes it 's worth going away for a while and letting her think she 's beaten you , and then coming back with the food a few hours later .
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