Example sentences of "a [noun sg] of [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Heat can be applied in several forms and by several methods with a variety of equipment the more common of which are as follows- .
2 Hence , when selecting a parser it is vital to determine how wide a variety of grammar the parser is able to process and how easily it can be extended to a larger domain .
3 A few rocks showed in the water close in to the quarry face and there was a crescent of sand the meadow side of the water with two giant pines shading the right corner .
4 Well I think it 's going to be a case of phone the council and ask them
5 In a case of recognition an identification parade would often be pointless but in the present case an identification parade or at the least a controlled confrontation should have been held .
6 Not a bit of wonder the country 's in the state that it 's in . ’
7 He 's the one , do a bit of thingy the one
8 With a bit of luck the passage would be empty .
9 With a bit of luck the three of us should be able to get together tonight . ’
10 All part of Don Revie 's plan to bring a bit of glamour t' game .
11 Rather when Carla comes back Monday you 've got to tape the with a bit of wood the window just outside the door because the bolt is on the same side .
12 Thought to start , it 'd be a bit of fun no harm is it
13 After that we never got started , as soon as we got a bit of momentum the sunderland players wasted time by falling over and claiming injury .
14 We just go down for a bit of practice a few nights before . ’
15 Well yeah yeah a bit of humour a bit of humour
16 Mucky hands and a fat bank balance would be a way of life for the first generation of nouveaux-riches manufacturers ; but with a bit of care the brass itself could be used to buy their children out of the world of muck altogether .
17 It also contributed to a shift in opinion at the Ministry of Education away from the curtailment or freezing of grant towards modest and flexible expansion — and the Eastern District was able to take advantage of the new grant regulations which followed the Report in 1955 to achieve a level of aid a few percentage points higher than the 75% hitherto regarded as standard .
18 He was standing on a kind of pedestal a little above the others , thrusting both arms up into the air .
19 A recruiting sergeant wore as a badge of office a plume of coloured ribbons in his shako ; when a young man had been persuaded to enlist he was handed a shilling to bind the contract .
20 Amendment No. 55 is consequential and makes clear that in calculating the 12-year limit on membership of a board of management no account is taken of any previous service on a college council .
21 As far as their usefulness as a measure of performance the conclusion that should be reached is that none is superior as we can only measure performance by comparison .
22 In the absence of a Ministry of Justice the Home Office has acquired its responsibilities for criminal justice piecemeal over many years .
23 Neill LJ giving the judgment of the court said : ( 1 ) Where the parties are , or have been , linked by a contract of employment the obligations of the employee are to be determined by the contract between him and his employer .
24 In order to satisfy the SGA 1979 , the definition requires that the following components be present : ( a ) Contract for the sale of goods It should be noted that within the definition of a contract of sale a distinction is drawn between an executory sale or agreement to sell , and an executed transfer .
25 ( 4 ) Where under a contract of sale the property in the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer the contract is called a sale .
26 ( 5 ) Where under a contract of sale the transfer of the property in the goods is to take place at a future time or subject to some condition later to be fulfilled the contract is called an agreement to sell .
27 The only difference is that in a contract of hire the implied terms concerned with the " owner 's " right to transfer possession of the goods can be excluded if the term satisfies the test of reasonableness .
28 So in a flash of generosity an extra prize will be my personal assurance that Elvira will not be coming around to kick you in the groin in the immediate future .
29 But many a foot of land the worse …
30 ‘ What is two feet tall , gives a gallon of milk a day and moos ? ’
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