Example sentences of "a [noun sg] of [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If , on the other hand , he was stating as a matter of principle that the coupling of a protest with a payment of money unlawfully demanded per se rendered that payment recoverable , he was expressing views for which no authority prior to that date has been cited to this House and which were contrary to those expressed by Lord Reading C.J. in Maskell v. Horner .
2 In a fierce , raw and , at times , downright nasty battle , Barnes led his besieged troops to glory only to hit out in a variety of directions afterwards .
3 Individuals belong to a variety of groups so any classification is subject to the perceptions of the members involved .
4 Clearly , that is at variance with the TRRL work where , if safety grounds alone do not justify ‘ cost-effective ’ treatment , then no measures would be taken , despite the fact that on a variety of criteria together treatment would most probably be worthwhile .
5 Graduates will be highly skilled in the development of quality software and will be prepared for careers in software production in a variety of positions in , for instance , software houses , data processing and industrial computing .
6 Or is there some Steffi-crazy fan out there inundating the Tennis World office with letters cunningly disguised in a variety of handwriting just to confuse us ?
7 Remote sensing and image analysis support a variety of programmes both overseas ( mainly funded by ODA ) and in the United Kingdom .
8 I suppose I like to do a variety of things too much . ’
9 Erm yes so there 's a variety of things there .
10 What we 're trying is to work through a variety of things now to insure we get as many bobbies as possible back on the beat .
11 ( iv ) Teachers should discuss a variety of works so as to bring out the range and effects of different types of sound patterning , eg alliteration , assonance , rhymes , onomatopoeia , and of figures of speech , eg similes , metaphors , personifications .
12 My name received a variety of treatments too .
13 Routes could be planned for a variety of jumps etc .
14 Babies are conceived for a variety of reasons apart from basic urges — some over a wayward partner who shows signs of straying from the fold ; in competition with a sister who has recently conceived or in determination to produce the first grandchild .
15 Brooke and Remmers ( 1970 ) made a survey of 115 foreign subsidiaries operating in the UK , and identified a variety of reasons why overseas companies decided to create foreign subsidiaries .
16 There are a variety of reasons why , despite this new move , you may still wish ( or be obliged ) to bring a wrongful dismissal claim in the civil courts , for example :
17 There are a variety of reasons why people choose a register office wedding .
18 As well as distortions to the official figures produced by police recording practice , there are a variety of reasons why victims of crime often do not report offences .
19 It seems that there are a variety of reasons why an increasing number of European and North American trees are becoming damaged or killed .
20 As one might expect from the discussion elsewhere in this chapter , there are a variety of reasons why adjustment to monetary union is not likely to be spread evenly across space .
21 As Sperber and Wilson have shown , there is a variety of reasons why a hearer who was not in a position to process an utterance or block of utterances might want to be presented with a summary of it , and correspondingly , a variety of different sorts of summaries that a speaker might provide .
22 for a variety of reasons only work certain days .
23 Needless to say the proposed settlement — widely publicised — drew a good deal of criticism , almost entirely from the Left who were for a variety of reasons extremely hostile to white Rhodesians .
24 With regard to elderly people , Allan suggests that , in any case , old people have for a variety of reasons quite small friendship circles and that even within those circles
25 seeds for flavouring a variety of dishes where spicy flavour is required , used whole or as a freshly-made powder , fresh leaves used in the same way , especially with Indian recipes , with salads , marinades , rice , and with bread
26 A special box was used , on to the lid of which could be flashed a variety of patterns whenever a bird approached it .
27 Some database software come " content for pupils to use as a source of information e.g. QUES1 as books come in a variety of formats so does computer soft " Viewdata software such as COMMUNITEL , with pages down from Frestel , comes closest to the description of a book with and page numbers .
28 So I 've decided to place my trust in a retailer and rely on my common sense and experience when it comes to assembling packages from a variety of sources rather than one .
29 She says you have to have evidence of continued use over a period of time and in a variety of sources so that it 's not just very specialised and short-lived .
30 The aim of every cross country rider is to negotiate a variety of obstacles as quickly and safely as possible .
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