Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [vb mod] [be] give " in BNC.

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1 A direction may be given by a justices ' clerk .
2 Such a decision may be given on the plaintiff 's application on seven days ' notice to the Crown ( Ord 42 , r 5(1) , ( 2 ) ) .
3 In the great majority of them , the point at issue ( whether a course should be given approval or whether approval was withheld ) invariably centred upon the balance it achieved between ‘ academic rigour ’ and ‘ professional ’ skills .
4 The most poetic words in a text can be given more emotive power by using melisma .
5 This was applied in Dixons Ltd. v. Roberts ( 1894 D.C. ) where it was held that section 14 did not catch a trader who gave a false indication that a refund would be given on any goods purchased , if within seven days the customer was able to buy the same products locally more cheaply .
6 It is common ground between the parties , and , on the basis of earlier cases , rightly so , that the visitor to a university may be given an exclusive jurisdiction , e.g. , to decide disputes arising under the statutes of the university , as may visitors to such eleemosynary foundations as schools , colleges and dioceses .
7 A fair number of countries indicated that a response could be given within three months .
8 Where there are non-equity minority interests a description should be given of any rights of holders of the shares against other group companies , for example in respect of guarantees .
9 In this sense a verdict may be given on its policies , but only in a very general way .
10 They would first have inspected judicial practice to see whether almost all other judges were agreed either that the words of a statute must be given their " literal " meaning , even when that was not what the legislators intended , or the opposite , that the words must not be given their literal meaning in these circumstances .
11 Their reservation stressed that ‘ while a bounty should be given in aid of the maintenance of children it should be given to all parents for all children and the income tax is not the place in which to make a gift to one special minority of relatively well-to-do persons while refusing the gift to the great mass of poor parents who need it most ’ .
12 Again , like many other therapies , questions will be asked to give an overall picture of yourself and after a consultation a remedy may be given .
13 And a scholarship will be given to a specially gifted child from a deprived area .
14 It made a number of recommendations for a more disciplined and concerted pre-trial regime , suggesting that a defendant should be given credit for a guilty plea , particularly where there is saving of public expenditure and time , and that there should be a more vigorous policy on credit for pleas of guilty either by way of reduction of length of custodial sentence or the passing of some alternative to custody .
15 Again , no full account of a formation can be given without attending to individual differences inside it .
16 Linen , when new , had a certain quantity of starch applied , thereby making it slightly stiff whilst remaining pliable ; wrapped in such material a body would be given a neat , crisp appearance and presentable for viewing , the shroud being drawn away from the features for this purpose .
17 On the evening of December 15 , starting at 6.30 pm , members of the institute will give demonstrations of their various techniques , and at 7.30 pm a lecture will be given by the head of the Modern British Art Department of Christie 's .
18 If your father is a millionaire and gives you a five pound note for your birthday , then you might feel a little hard done by ; such a gift would be given out of his riches ; it would n't be according to his riches .
19 While it is important to know that your sample size is big enough for safe conclusions to be drawn ( that effects are ‘ statistically significant ’ ) , this is secondary in comparison with the issue of whether a relationship can be given a causal interpretation or is merely the spurious result of the operation of third factors ; the relationship between the number of fire engines and the amount of damage caused could be derived from a sample size of ten thousand and still utterly mislead if taken at face value .
20 It is suggested that a brief indication of the contents of a module should be given here .
21 All avenues were explored to see whether such a guarantee could be given by the Americans , but no way of doing so could be found without breaching the US Constitution .
22 A gift or donation is , at its best , a payment made voluntarily so that a service may be given to others .
23 A loan may be given to the employee , who pays interest on it , so that he can buy property .
24 MacDonald read it to the members of the Cabinet ( imposing further conditions before a loan would be given ) .
25 Alternatively , a chair could be elected from within the family ; if the person acting as chair varied , a teenager could be given a valuable chance to assume and exercise responsibility .
26 Once a CFE treaty was signed talks should begin to build on additional measures including ones to limit manpower in Europe ; a commitment would be given at the time of signature of the CFE treaty concerning the manpower levels of a unified Germany .
27 It is true that to search for a legal framework in which the ill-articulated wishes of a testator can be given effect is to regard the testator 's intention .
28 On the third occasion a caution must be given ’ .
29 ( a ) When a caution must be given .
30 Paragraph 10 is headed ‘ Cautions : ( a ) When a caution must be given , ’ and it reads :
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