Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [coord] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 O also thought , because of the man 's posture , and the huge overcoat in which he was wrapped , that he looked like a queen in a tragedy which O had seen , who in a terrible moment of despair had sat down , not on a throne or on the marble palace steps , but just right there on the floor .
2 Lewis had n't made up his mind whether to sell Wyvis Hall after he had smartened it up a bit and with the proceeds buy a bigger and better London house and a country cottage or to keep the Hall and sell off some of the land for agriculture .
3 That slowed things down a bit and on the second day England made some progress through the wickets .
4 He has refused to rush legislative changes through , but he has not ruled out proposals on electoral reform which could be put before the electorate either in a referendum or at the next general election .
5 Usually , but perhaps not necessarily , this right was earned by the student through the performance of some service , far and away the commonest form of which was acting as or repetiteur for a muderris , though one occasionally also finds students becoming through acting as for a kazasker or for the Mufti .
6 Staring straight ahead at the road before him , the driver went on talking , telling me of his boyhood ambition to be a footballer and of the Mafia-like behaviour of the modern IRA .
7 Though this is not to say that abortion is a topic to be taken lightly as it is a human life a woman is dealing with and I think she should think carefully about all her options before she makes a decision but in the end it is her baby and up to her what happens .
8 He was under no illusion about the management types : ‘ They act a part and in the end the part becomes them ! ’
9 and erm if you listen to things on the radio they they have at the end of a sentence or at the end of some sentence quite a pause for a second before they go on
10 The words had come out in a babble and by the time he had gathered his wits and been able to respond she had put the phone down .
11 It climbs up to and over a ridge and on the ascent reveals an exquisite vista of Loch Maree , a foretaste of joys to come .
12 Under Section 264(1) a petition for a bankruptcy order to be made against an individual may be brought by a creditor or by the individual himself , amongst others .
13 Delivery of a certificated transfer is treated by a buyer and by the company as equivalent to delivery of a transfer and the relevant certificate .
14 That means a present or at the very least a card for people you know .
15 Most prejudicial to the reputation of the Church was the sin of simony , the buying of something of spiritual value for money , such as ecclesiastical office or advancement , or charging for ordaining a clerk or for the performance of any other spiritual service .
16 Although many of the reactions were hostile , there was some welcome for the idea of a framework and for the consultation process .
17 Kernaghan played as a striker or at the heart of defence .
18 Perhaps it is a coincidence but at the Annual General Meeting in November he was elected Captain .
19 ‘ We passed outside the city walls , and after a little walk , entered ; i green garden door , and made our way to a little plain square building , in which were arranged wooden benches , a pulpit and below the pulpit a plain wooden table and chair .
20 He had applied for a grant but at the time Liverpool City Council was snowed under by applications .
21 Remember , all her life she had wandered from place to place , sleeping in a tent or under the stars .
22 In truth Emily did have dreams that one day in a park or on the street a talent scout would stop and see the perfect features and flawless skin of this child and come to the house begging on bended knees to transform her life .
23 Is it to be an up-to-the-minute design that will look good hanging in a bedroom or up the stairs , or should it have an antique feel to match a similarly styled sitting room ?
24 The child is removed to another place , usually a bedroom or into the hall , to avoid any reinforcement for the aggressive behaviour .
25 Consideration should therefore be given to the risks of fire-spread through such a roof and into the flank wall of the warehouse , or similar accommodation .
26 In the room which focuses on sight , visitors see , hear and feel themselves being poured out of a can of draught Guinness , into a glass , down a mouth and through the human body .
27 Yeah I , I feel Brian I mean , you know , you said we 'd got ta be natural , it 's all very well reading from a script but at the end of the day it 's natural that comes across .
28 Abbot Ælfric stressed Christ 's humility , describing in his homily The Exaltation of the Holy Cross how an angel reminded the seventh-century Byzantine emperor Heraclius that he " would not encircle his head with a golden crown , but with one of thorns " , and that before the crucifixion " he was not clothed in purple , nor adorned with a royal crown , nor rode he … upon a horse but upon the back of an ass " .
29 Now I lean forward and pick up a dead bird whose wings sag open like a fan or like the streets of Berlin under their cam nets .
30 Remember how it is often difficult to think clearly when the air is heavy just before a storm , or how your mind seems to become clear and sharp in the crisp , clean air on a mountainside or beside the sea .
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