Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Then the mesh , she told Sally the next time she saw her , I 'm sorry I made that mistake about you having a sister she said to Sally , I 've written to tell mother you 've said you have n't one she must of been mistaken what your mother said .
2 Well I worked there and then er quite a bit I had to w they had me working on the main road .
3 ' ’ It was just a decision we came to .
4 I think that some people may not realise fully too is that in order to make a decision you have to be full informed , and teachers are very busy people and a teacher really is spending nearly every moment of his day either teaching or preparing to teach , and it 's impossible , therefore , to establish in a school or a community college the faculty committee structure that one might have in a university , where people do probably spend some time informing themselves before debate .
5 ‘ I need hardly tell you , ’ he continued in his dry voice , ‘ what a blow you dealt to she who cared so much for your welfare .
6 Like a prescription it needs to be taken to be a cure , like a recipe it needs to be cooked to be eaten , like a cheque it needs to be cashed to be spent .
7 If you go up and want a T-shirt you go to that pile .
8 ‘ Killing is like a drug it gets to be a way of life .
9 He said , ‘ I want to talk about a donation you made to Sinn Fein .
10 In the absence of such a link we seem to be committed to solipsism .
11 He insisted he had permission to be there — a story he repeated to police .
12 Shortly after taking over one of the most sensitive posts in the recently formed conservative government of Edouard Balladur , France 's new Minister of Culture , fifty-one year old RPR Gaullist Jacques Toubon said he intended keeping ‘ cultural affairs ’ — a term he prefers to that of ‘ culture ’ — separate from any philosophy of State or political or doctrinal message .
13 The couple had little in common , and her children died in infancy , one after another , a loss she attributed to the lead works Wright ran on their premises .
14 For instance he read every morning newspaper before midnight on the previous day ( in contrast to Harold Macmillan who claimed not to read newspapers ) and as a result he went to bed fully — and very ill-advisedly — informed of the disagreeable things that were being said about him , since almost all the papers had Tory proprietors and Tory-inclined editors .
15 He was so favourably impressed by the industrial potential of the area that he and some friends raised the necessary capital to revive the works , and as a result he moved to Shropshire .
16 The monster discovered who his creator was and where he lived when he found some papers as a result he travelled to Geneva .
17 There are though , records of a talk she gave to the Royal Photographic Society at Russell Square in London on October 28th 1913 .
18 There are though , records of a talk she gave to the Royal Photographic Society at Russell Square in London on October 28th 1913 .
19 Let me give you the text of a talk I gave to the Bridport Women 's Institute , before the Scandal , and when Julian and I were still developing our blueprint for the world of the future .
20 The Russian leader took a tough line with a President he felt to be inexperienced .
21 If you 'd like to just hang on a second I want to this little .
22 Just for a second it seemed to Polly that they met and lingered on hers .
23 ‘ Dear me , when I was a child we went to church twice every Sunday .
24 And who was the youngest FA Cup final referee , a question we repeated to Referees Association president Peter Willis who handled the 1985 final .
25 Here is an example from a question he put to the prime minister on 9 July 1992 :
26 A question I refuse to be drawn on .
27 Erm I I know it was in the context of a a question you posed to him that er if he had in fact er accepted the County Council 's housing figures er that would have been an appropriate hundred and twenty two hectares would have been appropriate er on the employment side .
28 As a cricketer he deserves to be remembered for his 6 for 110 which levelled the 1936–37 Ashes series at Adelaide , or specifically the ball with which he bowled Hammond in that crucial innings .
29 In a dream I went to the pictures , in Germany I think .
30 as if remembering the steps of a dance she walked to the long cheval mirror in the bedroom and tried on the dress , a dark grey beaded silk gown by Bruce Oldfield .
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