Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had a semi-hard-on the whole time he was bathing her , and without warning she grabbed him by it , and led him to the bath .
2 But is n't the middle of a recession a bad time to try and sell a business ?
3 The choices are unlimited , but here are some of the characteristic elements which help to give a kitchen a particular atmosphere .
4 Is a function a psychological process or is it a neural process ?
5 In such a case a complete reconsideration of the case , including the taking of evidence and the finding of facts , would be a waste of time and money ; so the court can remit the case and direct the authority to reconsider the facts in the light of the law as it has been held to be .
6 In such a case a careful examination of the handbrake should be made bearing this offence in mind .
7 See there was a case a little while ago were n't there , about farmer ploughed up a p footpath you used to get on a stile to walk across the field .
8 ( 4 ) Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this section it shall be competent for a licensing board to entertain objections from the chief constable , lodged at any time before the hearing of an application , if the board is satisfied that there is sufficient reason why due notice and intimation of the objection could not be given , and in such a case the chief constable shall cause his objections to be intimated to the applicant before the hearing .
9 ( 6 ) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subsection , it shall be competent for the licensing board to entertain objections from the chief constable , lodged at any time before the hearing of the application if the board is satisfied that there is sufficient reason why due notice and intimation of the objection could not be given , and in such a case the chief constable shall , where practicable , cause his objections to be intimated to the applicant before the hearing .
10 In the case of a registered title , a charge may have been secured by the less formal method of giving notice to the Land Registry of " Notice of Deposit " ( or " Intended Deposit " ) of the land certificate , and in such a case the appropriate document is the " Withdrawal of Notice " , which is endorsed on the back of the official receipt of notice of deposit .
11 Acting for a buyer in such a case the appropriate requisition is : Withdrawal of Notice of Deposit ( entry no on the charges register ) relating to the property must be handed over on completion .
12 In such a case the only way to make sense of the rule that the buyer must bear the loss is still to make him pay whilst allowing him to take whatever remains of the goods .
13 In such a case the subordinate legislation may be used in order to construe the parent Act : see Hanlon v. The Law Society [ 1981 ] A.C. 124 , 193 , per Lord Lowry .
14 There is no logical reason why a person ought not to be allowed to represent another in order to protect that other 's individual interests , but in such a case the main function of representation would probably be to provide finance for the action rather than organizational efficiency ; and in most cases there is no reason why one person should not provide another with finance to enable that other to bring an action in his or her own name .
15 A bit the anti-smoking bit , on a bit too long .
16 You will not be at a level a good deal lower than the surrounding ground , so you will have to lay a hardcore base to build up the foundations to suit the path material and method of laying .
17 Delegates to the national conference agreed on Sept. 19 to put to a referendum a 71-article draft constitution with a multiparty political framework and spelling out the country 's fundamental principles .
18 According to results published on Oct. 12 by the Interior Ministry , a referendum the previous day overwhelmingly approved the dissolution of the People 's Assembly , and fresh elections were scheduled for Nov. 29 , with further elections if necessary on Dec. 6 .
19 Just off vertical , with 40 metres of 5b moves and a runner every other move , it ranks with the best single pitch routes in the district .
20 Oh well , a crooked things always a crook A crooked thing er
21 Thus , a judgment that discriminates against a specific member would probably be a decision no reasonable tribunal could have taken .
22 An environmental statement was required from the company it has been given full publicity I believe that the Planning Committee and County Planning Committee today have sufficient information to come to a decision an informed decision .
23 Your Mum 's got a fanny with a split the wrong way .
24 But each one that 's here however old or however young are a part an active part an essential part a crucial part of the Ministry of the Body of Christ .
25 And there 's a support the other side is a book shelf .
26 More than two thirds of 1,344 respondents considered a basement a desirable feature , with a third considering them very desirable .
27 A splendid Arctic picture with snowy mountains , icebergs and so on had as a centre-piece a small hole in the ice with a board saying , ‘ Danger ’ .
28 So , on a board the apparent wind we experience when we travel at 10 knots in a 10 knot cross-wind will be a 14 knot wind hitting us at 45 degrees .
29 At the first , a building a short distance outside the town contained a furnace used for reworking coloured cullet .
30 When you think about a hundred plus people inside of a compound with all of those weapons , you need a a mass a large scale operation .
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