Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] him [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd like to get it sorted out a bit for him really before the summer starts
2 Miriam was a part of him now ; he was unable to put her out of his mind .
3 When Souness played , a part of him always stood aside , literally watching his own skills .
4 I knew I would n't be welcome at the funeral so I sent some flowers , and I got Father Ryan to say a mass for him instead . ’
5 The ‘ English Hiss ’ would have served as a description of him too .
6 Well let's let's have a look at him again .
7 Erm , you can go down and have a look at him there .
8 When she stepped from the car he had greeted her with careful formality and his manner had remained stiff and impersonal as they began the ride ; but she sensed a tension in him too and knew intuitively that it was not a lack of interest that kept his gaze averted from her .
9 This is one of two ways to place your opponent at a disadvantage without him even knowing about it .
10 But a confrontation with him now was more than Lisa could handle .
11 ‘ My Dad bought a car off him once .
12 A person will only be an arbitrator or quasi-arbitrator if there is a submission to him either of a specific dispute or of present points of difference or of defined differences that may in future arise and if there is agreement that his decision will be binding .
13 I grant you we put a check on him once , and could again , but never think you saw the true measure of de Burgh in Kerry , there 's more to him than that .
14 If I asked a question of him then he 'd answer seriously , but if I floated a question and waited to see which of the students would pick it up I could guarantee that it would never be Holly .
15 If I ever have a dig at him now he says : ‘ Christ , you 've read the same books as I have ! ’ and I say : ‘ Yeah but you 've got the licence to prove it . ’ ’
16 I 'm not out to if they 're going to claim on this diesel then that 's up to them but I 'm not going to have our lads or anybody else blamed for something which definitely does not exist and I shall tell as soon as I erm I meet him to have a chat with him again that he 's going along the wrong lines .
17 The two erm handlers here , I do n't know whether there 's one who 's handling and the other one 's just sort of having a chat with him about but , you know , they they 're important in the picture but they 're not er you know , the horses completely dominate the , the two people in the picture .
18 Had he allowed her to make a fool of him again ?
19 possible that Paul has had a already had a reply from the Destiny people , you know , the ap at my urging Paul joins these people to find himself another girl because I 'm so sick of hearing about Karen who 's treated him made a fool of him totally
20 She recognised that he wanted her to forget what had happened , but that it also leapt vividly before his eyes and had a hold on him too .
21 She shook a folder at him triumphantly .
22 In my newspaper message to John I had said that hundreds of people would be attending a benefit for him tonight .
23 That is the old-fashioned type of socialism that the hon. Member for Sheffield , Hillsborough ( Mr. Flannery ) has always pursued , and unfortunately the occupants of the Labour Front Bench have taken a lead from him rather than from more sensible parents .
24 It was a revelation to him how important this was , how much it meant .
25 And he 's got a meeting with him again this afternoon .
26 ‘ I had a meeting with him here this morning .
27 Weave a circle round him thrice And close your eyes with holy dread For he on honey-dew hath fed .
28 Downes sat at the table in Interview Room Two on the ground floor , spell-bound and motionless , as if a witch had drawn a circle round him thrice .
29 When you have travelled half across the world , with the background of the man you are going to meet gradually being filled in for you , a picture of him inevitably forms in the mind .
30 She had put her hair up so as to look older than her sixteen years but even so she straightened her music and her shoulders with such self-consciousness that the maturity of her voice came as a shock to him just as it always did .
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