Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [adj] to be " in BNC.

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1 You 've got to have all that side of it , and if you 're in teaching it 's a bit ridiculous to be in any job if you do n't know something about the history of it .
2 ‘ Is n't it a bit early to be planting beans ? ’
3 A bit early to be thinking about Christmas is n't it ?
4 Where they repairing client , where there is hopefully an extremely good relationship , we felt that that was a bit dangerous to be sending out a form to the Chief Executive of saying what er do you think of the service .
5 We were driving around and I seen these two young lads in a car and I says , ‘ They look a bit young to be driving that . ’
6 It 's a bit annoying to be grouped with bands from that category .
7 Put on the Welsh , spout a bit of Shakespeare — ‘ You 're a bit small to be a skipper , ’ she said .
8 it is actually a bit intimidating to be confronted with a roomful of teachers like yourselves .
9 It seems a bit odd to be asking people to join the CTC in order to further the interests of cycling in Scotland ; but if we get this leaflet off the ground we can then tell HQ what we are doing for them .
10 It 's a bit late to be coming on like the Angel in the House now . ’
11 you know , give them a lift home , and they felt that it was a bit discourteous to be asked to write them name in the book every time , and it it I mean it seemed to be quite reasonable that we 're
12 It 's a bit disconcerting to be minding your own business .
13 Was n't it a bit severe to be put into er a detention centre for , for just nicking a cake ?
14 Well she 's an old said she 's a bit old to be doing this , because you know , I suppose
15 It is agreed that in arriving at a figure appropriate to be rewarded for the care given by the plaintiffs to the date of trial .
16 This hypothesis is compatible with earlier results and with a study of hypertensive patients with high renin profiles , a condition likely to be associated with increased angiotensin II , who were found to be at higher risk of coronary heart disease than those with low renin profiles .
17 Since machinery now exists that permits a term certain to be contracted out of the 1954 Act 's security of tenure , it is unwise except in special circumstances , for a landlord to take a risk of granting a tenancy at will .
18 Your victim would catch on before accelerating to a speed likely to be fatal .
19 Uruguay has obtained new money in a deal due to be signed on January 31st .
20 UAL chairman Stephen Wolf , who is under pressure from the rest of his board to deliver the company from its limbo state since the original $6.75billion buyout plan was dropped , began another round of talks this week with the airline 's employees and union leaders to raise support for a bid likely to be worth as little as $4.5billion .
21 Lord Archer was this week working on his new novel , a thriller due to be published in September .
22 Right now it 's a dream unlikely to be realised .
23 Geoff has completed 50 years service with Rolls-Royce and associated companies , a record unlikely to be beaten in these modern enlightened times .
24 On the rare occasions when a site due to be destroyed is found to be very important , construction plans may be changed to accommodate the display of the site , or the remains might be moved to somewhere where they can preserved , displayed , and enjoyed by the public .
25 Foucault recognizes in Deleuze 's account of events as singularities , points or intensities on a surface ready to be actualized in any particular form or meaning , the potential for pushing further his own notion of history as a genealogical series .
26 However a surface likely to be recontaminated between use needs to be disinfected immediately before use bearing in mind that a higher concentration may be necessary to compensate for a reduced contact time or reduced time in a dry state .
27 Discovery can be ordered before the commencement of such proceedings against a person likely to be a party to the proceedings , and after the commencement of such proceedings against third parties , but not where compliance would be likely to be injurious to the public interest .
28 A person is guilty of an offence if he ( a ) uses threatening , abusive or insulting words or behaviour , or disorderly behaviour , or ( b ) displays any writing sign or visible representation which is threatening , abusive or insulting , within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment alarm or distress thereby ( see D. P. P. v. Drum ( H.C. , 1988 ) ) .
29 This is signalled in part by the introduction of ‘ disorderly behaviour ’ as a constituent of the new offence , and by the abandonment of the requirement of a breach of the peace , and its replacement with the requirement that the conduct should take place ‘ within the hearing or sight of a Person likely to be caused harassment , alarm or distress thereby . ’
30 In addition to the requirement that the conduct be ‘ disorderly , ’ it is subject to the objective requirement that the conduct must be such that it is , independently , ‘ within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment , alarm or distress thereby . ’
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