Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And yet the years have lessened the gap in age between us : she is more like a sister to me now .
2 ‘ I think a part of me probably died when I took your job , though it may have been just the settling-down thing .
3 ‘ There is a part of me still wants to be back in Bosnia and if I get the chance I 'll be there like a shot . ’
4 It 's difficult to explain , but a part of me never really believed I should see her again , even after what they told me at the theatre .
5 Are you something to do with the two idiots who had a try at me earlier this evening ? ’
6 But I mean I do n't want a fight with I just do n't wan na make up with her .
7 I was talking to David this afternoon , and he feels it 's too much of a coincidence for me not to be Lilian Parsons 's surviving twin .
8 ‘ It has been a pleasure for me also , ’ said Madame Gebrec .
9 you want to pop in and have a chat with me in between that 's fine , but I 'm not here next week .
10 This grandmother can be a heroine for me now , although it would have meant more to have been closer to her in life .
11 Surely you see a difference between me , who wrote long , incoherent , and enthusiastic letters , enjoyed perfectly the songs of birds and the sight of a sundown , believed in the possibility of perfect happiness , perfect beauty , perfect purity , and a perfect world , all perfected , too , by that thing Nature which was so real to me ; a difference between me then and thus , and what I am now , dull unenthusiastic , unimaginative , but more coherent and prudent , though still imprudent enough to write such things as that Sonnet , which even you esteem bad , I think … .
12 Olga took a room for me just a mile north of Park Terrace — but in another world , the world of rooming houses .
13 ‘ Take a picture for me please .
14 ‘ You 're not a person to me anymore .
15 What about having a pizza with me tonight after work ? ’
16 Take a take a bearing on me then , if North is that window .
17 ‘ Have you put a spell on me again ?
18 ‘ She laid a spell on me too … ’
19 And if that was the case , would he not find a replacement for me quite easily ?
20 I mean , you obviously know what I want here , but I mean I was hoping that Yvonne would come across and work maybe two stroke three days a week for me even when
21 ‘ Breakspear wo n't do the senator 's cruise , ’ he said , ‘ so you 'll lose that money , but if you work one night a week for me then you 'll earn just as much anyway .
22 Have you got a kiss for me then
23 ‘ It 's a miracle to me how Hywel got home in that condition , ’ said Lydia the next day .
24 Do n't you ever lay a finger on me again , or , so help me , I 'll see you live to regret it ! ’
25 Fat Vince has a feeling for me also , I reckon .
26 Do you have a handout for me please ?
27 Nor had his optimism , which was a relief to me as , being a Slav , I am by nature distinctly pessimistic .
28 And that 's a relief to me really .
29 A man like me jus cried .
30 She even acts as a secretary for me occasionally .
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