Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] now " in BNC.

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1 What we 're trying is to work through a variety of things now to insure we get as many bobbies as possible back on the beat .
2 It probably looks a bit like hieroglyphics now , but in a few months , I guarantee that you will understand this and will begin to see a difference in your playing .
3 Do n't think he 'd get much of a look-in with free-kicks now with Dorigo and Macca fighting over it .
4 The grave claim that politicians are muddying the clear statistical waters has been made on a mumber of occasions now by Sir Claus Moser , a former head of the government statistical service .
5 But the revolt against Labour in the housing schemes , which it was promising at the start of the campaign , never materialised , and its prediction that it would win a majority of seats now looks silly .
6 A country once famed for providing a succession of wingers now has only one orthodox link with the past , Tranmere 's Nevin , and he was preferred to John Robertson in attack last night .
7 The bed beside her was empty , but there were men in the yard : she could see a glimmer of light between the shutters and hear a flotsam of voices now and then , when the wind died .
8 Hauge is the man who brouht most of the scandivians to england and should be able to fix this ( he brought Limpar , Thorstvedt , Strandli , Flo ++ ) — i guess it 's just a question of days now ? ?
9 A core of topics/issues now exists and trainers select from this , supplementing it with material that is directly relevant to the college or subject area .
10 They form part of a range of diseases now more logically termed inherited prion diseases , and a new nomenclature has been proposed .
11 In a number of large irrigation schemes in the tropics , the continuous cultivation of a range of crops now allows certain key pests to survive ; previously a closed season or fallow provided a natural check on insect populations .
12 While a range of jobs now make up this sector , they neatly divide into seasonal , temporary or casual work on the one hand , and , on the other , work contracted for a fixed period of time or for whatever time it takes to complete a defined task .
13 It may be that they are in fact onycophorans , a group of arthropods now represented by caterpillar-like velvet worms that burrow through dead wood in Australia .
14 The Mamprusi kingdom is one of a group of kingdoms now incorporated into Ghana , Togo and Bourguina Fasso .
15 Dreadlocks was delivering a stream of orders now , most of them incoherent , but surely intended to stop them in their tracks .
16 There was a flock of gulls now , wheeling and mewing just below the bridge .
17 Only a handful of reporters now cover the inquiry , and their stories slip day by day down the news schedules , overtaken by fresh nightmares and by disasters which are simpler , easier to comprehend .
18 I think we 've settled down to a pattern of events now which schools have actually indicated to us is what they want to see .
19 A block of flats now occupies the site .
20 If I were a head teacher or a chair of governors now , I would use quite blatantly the annual meeting and the annual report as ways of sounding the loudest and brightest clarion calls about my school 's performance and achievements …
21 When the Laird said he preferred Paris , Johnson said there was ‘ not a Frenchman of letters now alive he would cross a sea to visit ’ .
22 The inspiration for the next book was this lot — a litter of puppies now seven weeks old .
23 There is a suggestion that banknote paper was made here once , and there is also evidence of a button factory where a row of cottages now stands .
24 Doctor Lovell says it is only a matter of hours now .
25 President Gorbachev issued a decree on Aug. 15 revoking decrees adopted between 1966 and 1988 which had deprived " a number of persons now living abroad " of their Soviet citizenship .
26 To help do this a number of consultants now run carefully devised training programmes and there are a variety of excellent do it yourself handbooks .
27 St George 's Hill Gallery is owned by Danish collector Kurt Andersen and will be showing the work of a number of artists now represented in national collections , including H.A .
28 He felt that the market reached its lowest point in the first half of last year and that a number of signs now pointed to returning confidence : a low unsold ( bi ) rate of 13% ( by value ) so far this year as compared to 21% for this time last year , together with stronger bidding in sales this year .
29 In the US Congress the House banking committee , chaired by Henry Gonzalez , was one of a number of committees now investigating the question of why the US government 's Commodity Credit Corp .
30 A number of brewers now use a device called a cask breather on low volume beers to prolong their life .
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