Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Graduates will be highly skilled in the development of quality software and will be prepared for careers in software production in a variety of positions in , for instance , software houses , data processing and industrial computing .
2 This organisation is an industry lead and awarding body that has developed national standards and assessment material to support vocational qualifications and SCOTVEC awards in engineering at a variety of levels up to technician .
3 I went to Grosvenor Square and abused ‘ American Imperialists ’ , I got thumped about a bit on Troops Out demos , and I dutifully handed out time and money in support of ‘ the miners ' wives ’ .
4 POLICE are hunting a gang of youths out last night stopping lone women drivers , smashing their car windows and grabbing their handbags in the Coulby Newham area of Middlesbrough .
5 Robert come and carry a chest of drawers round will you ?
6 •There 's a mass of companies out there selling PCs which you can simply plug a network card into .
7 ‘ Some flats nearby had just been ‘ re-habbed ’ but the firm which won the contract brought a bus-load of workers down from Tyneside each day to do the work .
8 A group of them are taking a truck of supplies out to Romania at Easter .
9 He says he told Hunt , when the latter came barging into the Lotus motor-home in protest , that if Hunt ‘ did n't know I was alongside him , he was like a horse with blinkers on ’ .
10 I was only a lad , I was er a messenger boy on the loading deck and I used to have to go down to at Beskett and fetch parts for the planes and er plates , aluminium plates , to be normalized which was a treatment when they put them into the vats and I had to fetch the films as well , from the house that used to be a warehouse for films over in er in by the beacon , great bar !
11 It was pumped by steam up to tanks at the top of a high brick-built tower , a landmark for miles around , then gravity-fed to the Hall .
12 They had not exchanged news since Christmas , when Celia had sent the usual hamper and received , in exchange , the customary box of chocolates and a card with robins on , inside which Edna had expressed her best wishes and profuse thanks .
13 He said well you 've got no bloody springs on the pawls , I says so I picked a tin of springs up , we kept it for anybody who wanted a spring for their bike , any spring where , you know the hooks on each end ?
14 His foster parents say they 're giving him a break from events back home .
15 His foster parents say they 're giving him a break from events back home .
16 Avoiding the big European states , and ignoring Cold War political boundaries , Germany 's leading poet discovers a continent of countries out of step with history and with each other .
17 He still maintains that he believes this , and makes a great show of sending off a manuscript to publishers down in London , trying to get them to publish a book expounding this view , but I know he 's just mischief-making again , and gets most of his pleasure from his acts of stunned disbelief and then righteous indignation when the manuscript is eventually returned .
18 Agents Mathews and Goodman are looking for rents of around ££10 a sq ft for space in Martin 's Building as it becomes free for letting with a range of suites up to 14,000 sq ft being available .
19 And as I say there i there is land there which is is er aimed to provide a range of sites up until the end of the structure plan period , within that part of the Greater York area .
20 That 's right , or to at least drink sensibly , and they 've got promotions of the lower , low and non-alcoholic drinks this week , as well as having a range of entertainments on , esp , er culminating in Saturday night on a quiz with healthy sort of questions , and a blindfold tasting competition
21 Today synthetic diamonds are commercially available in a range of sizes up to the present maximum , the de Beers ‘ Synthetic Rotary Dresser ’ stones , which have a weight of 2 milligram , ( equivalent to a cubic diamond of 0.8 mm edge ) .
22 Henry unscrewed the top of the brass cylinder and shook out a bundle of sticks on to the table .
23 Well organised , smart , cool pop writers , with all the innocence of a typical small town Brit outfit , these bastards are ready to charm a bundle of dollars out of our transatlantic cousins .
24 Well organised , smart , cool pop writers , with all the innocence of a typical small town Brit outfit , these bastards are ready to charm a bundle of dollars out of our transatlantic cousins .
25 For as Hateley himself insists : ‘ It is as much a battle of wits out there .
26 Raynor had tipped a basket of logs on to the fire , and warmth and light were washing over the room .
27 ‘ I cleared out my wardrobe at the weekend — and took a stack of clothes down to Oxfam . ’
28 Ted Heath ( I really ca n't get that knighthood out ) , looking spot on for Ascot , leads a bunch of frontbenchers and a gaggle of rubber-neckers out of the chamber for ceremonial fraternisation with the Lords and then back .
29 And I think kids should be encouraged to erm think about themselves rather than just tick boxes and I think er , er er a group of sentences down here written by the form teacher , by the subject teacher and the pupil erm , as it 's been done for about , for a few years , a good habit to get the kids into , erm especially as a record of achievement should start from year seven .
30 They ran like a group of children back to the house .
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