Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [modal v] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If , for example , a provision may be of doubtful import , such resort would be perfectly legitimate … ( p145 ) Because Chalmers saw codification as an improvement in the form of the law , resurrection of old authorities is easy .
2 Mr. Davis felt constrained to accept that such a case might be within the purview of the legislation .
3 However , our GP persuaded him that such a course would be against the public Health Act .
4 ‘ It will be handsome when uniforme , ’ said Palladio about his houses , ‘ because a building should be like an entier and perfect body where each member agrees with the other. ,
5 WHEN engineers working for the Tokyo gas company , get a telephone call in the middle of the night , the chances are that a computer will be at the other end .
6 I do nt see why a chairman would be against such a scheme … lets say he gave Speed a 500k ‘ bonus ’ .
7 Whereas in one , an iron axehead may be a tool used for woodworking and cutting down trees , in another it may be a unit of value — a cow might be worth two axeheads , for example .
8 It would have been a distressing upheaval indeed — I think Elizabeth found ‘ Braemar ’ so depressing that she did not enter as deeply as I into Ivy 's sufferings ; she could not help hoping that a change might be for the better .
9 In these conditions , too , the mount required either to give a force mobility or to approach a battlefield could be of inferior breed , and consequently cheaper , than a cavalry horse capable of carrying a fully armoured knight , in addition to its own armour .
10 It 's only then that you realise just what a dictatorship can be like . ’
11 He believed that ‘ a club should be like a big family , with all members of it sticking and pulling together under one head ’ .
12 In the screen of language the words that make him up are no more than some amongst many , a detail in the pattern , as a grotesque might be in early painting , or the straight man in a comic duo .
13 and the response to such a command could be to hand up some dictionary definition of a bar as a drinking place .
14 However , there are 20 pieces ( eight corners and 12 edges ) to restore and a piece may be in many different positions with respect to its home position , so such a method will involve solving many subproblems ( 239 to be exact ) and this is not a very human strategy , though it is perhaps the easiest for a computer .
15 We can not say what the scope of such a review should be in respect of the machinery 's wider preoccupations , but we think that it should look at two aspects in particular .
16 Children under the age of one , travelling in the front of a car MUST be in an approved baby carrier designed for the baby 's weight .
17 If the provision of legal services is to be limited to those matters in which the sufferer realises that there is a situation of difficulty for which the law provides a means of solution and with which a lawyer can be of assistance much of the pioneering work of law centres would be nullified .
18 A telephone should be on a half-moon table in the hall .
19 At any given age a child might be on quite different levels for difference subjects .
20 First , those items which make it difficult to recognise specific abilities in a child will be of less value than those which provide descriptions that can easily be applied .
21 Charles Davenant observed in 1710 , " what near Resemblance there was between the Old Rumper , and the Modern Whig ( for a Child will be like his true Father ) and how much they agreed in their Insolence to the Throne , Notions in Religion , Principles as to Government " .
22 However , the hidden messages in such a question may be of some importance in terms of conditioning the consciousness of the — largely working class — students for whom CSE mathematics courses are intended .
23 However , building such a machine will be by no means easy .
24 UNEMPLOYED Teessiders fear a self-build lifeline to a job and a home could be in jeopardy because of benefit rules .
25 However , when these differences were revealed it was difficult to know which side feared cancelling the project most — ironically it might be the donor with its vested interest in a cumulative increase in annual disbursements , rather than the government with several hundred projects of which at least a half could be in the same state .
26 Work on it is like a dream , or like thoughts of what a work would be like .
27 Therefore in flat keys write for the B ♭ clarinet , and in sharp keys for the A. Sometimes of course a section of a work may be in a key remote from that of the main body of the piece .
28 ‘ Now this is what a pub should be like , ’ he said to them with a grin .
29 A BREAKTHROUGH may be at hand in combating one of the most perplexing diseases of adolescence , juvenile diabetes .
30 What women normally did was " what a boy would be at when half-way through his apprenticeship " .
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