Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [conj] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But if you do n't do what the other lasses tell you to , you 're called a softie or a shit or something like that .
2 3 Better make a decision than none at all .
3 We focused on enquirers to courses in science , mathematics and engineering and on those who had completed an application for a course but who for one reason or another had not enrolled for it .
4 Glasses , a beard and lots of grey hairs — 47-year-old Rod Stewart 's new look seems to have stunned his model wife Rachel Hunter who joined him at a Los Angeles club .
5 We could send them off to a university or something like that so the .
6 And there was the beds that was there there was beds were still in that bothy and there was there were three of them must have been in the bed you see , and then there was a a board that they slipped in half up the bed and there was a a mattress or whatever on that and another three on that .
7 you 're coming near to the end of your shift you 're not waking up because it 's getting near morning whereas everybody else is , you 're finding it much more difficult to carry on because you 've gone through the whole night working , the night is well along and it becomes increasingly more difficult to stay awake so physically , spiritually , whatever way you look at it , it is certainly very difficult to stay awake in the truth today , but it is n't that difficult and it is n't er a hurdle that none of us can overcome , Jehovah says that his load is light , Jesus echoed that did n't he and it is true that if we do Jehovah 's will , Jehovah 's way , then it will be made light for us , he will help us to stay awake , but he 's not going to allow us to slumber and drift off into obscurity , but it all comes back in hinges upon us and that 's why the counsel is in verse thirteen as a day , as in a day time look , let us walk decently so we have to do something do n't we ?
8 so I 'm just looking for er a T-shirt or something for Lisa no you ca n't have the pen it 's too sharp yeah , you 're crafty you are are n't you , you can get zips open now mm
9 Go put a poultice or something on Simon 's eye before he uses up all the raw meat in the kitchen . ’
10 They 've all got a vision about their listeners , their viewers , their readers and so forth , and when they pick something , a press release , or when they hear a story or something like that , their mind 's going click click click ‘ How can I use this in a way that I can turn it into a form which is usable for my people ? ’ in a sense .
11 It was hot and muscular , not a smell but something in the air .
12 But er most of my interests were in motoring actually er in the days of er after we left the school after I was driving , of course I was er , these were the days when if you had a motorcar , the whole world was at your feet , and er you could go all over Britain if you , just for petrol at one and thruppence ha'penny a gallon or something like that .
13 They see it working and often they are given a print out of the results at the end of a spectrum or something like that that they can take back to the school with them and analyze .
14 Half a gram or something like that .
15 There are two sorts of Mudhoney show : the one where they piss about all night and sceptics just scratch bonces and bugger off , and the one where they rip through their best songs , old and new , with hardly a murmur and plenty of bovver .
16 My father was not often , maybe once or twice would for buying a horse or change a horse or something of that kind .
17 The Banker is a riverside pub , converted from a warehouse or something at the end of Cousin Lane , a cul-de-sac tucked under the armpit of Cannon Street station .
18 Lunch is often a sandwich or something on toast ( like cheese or eggs ) or a pie or pasty .
19 A sandwich and lots of coffee which Sergeant Davidson brought .
20 I think they 're going to make it , but to pretend that it 's a foregone conclusion or a walkover or anything like that would be quite unrealistic .
21 It was just that I and the others in the class — at least , the ones who turned up yesterday , a lot of people did n't bother — anyway , we felt it would be nice to send some flowers and a card or something to her relatives .
22 Stephanie , a mere stripling of 50 , thought at first she was n't old enough for her part , but two hours of make-up , a wig and plenty of padding soon solved that problem .
23 I usually go out late just at weekends to a club or something like that .
24 Lewis grew up in Forest Gate in east London , where he remembers causing problems at school ( 'I was n't a hooligan or anything like that , but I was pretty rough' ) and following West Ham .
25 Er if it was something serious , like say we 'd had a murder or something in the village
26 Which you used to light with a taper or something like that and they had little chains on to adjust your light .
27 No I do n't , but So it 's more or less a threesome if anything at all .
28 Sam had been responsible for the departure of her mother 's lover , but Pam had not complained openly , since it put all of them in a bad light : her lover had been revealed as pusillanimous , Sam as a harridan and herself as a person of no control or strength of will .
29 ‘ They could n't deny him a priest and him in a place like that . ’
30 ‘ I was n't trying to start a riot or anything like that when I reacted as I did .
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