Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was no way I could hope to keep up with him through the tunnel ( a route I highly recommend if you want to lose a tail ) as there were just too many imponderable lane changes and toll booth stops , so I U-turned where I should n't and headed back .
2 In an effort to make the bill more acceptable , its Democratic sponsors included a provision which specifically prohibited the establishment of quotas , defined by its supporters as the hiring of a fixed proportion of minority workers regardless of their qualifications .
3 In their place she pinned up a poster of a starving black child and a chart which eventually recorded a handsome donation to the Biafran famine relief fund , amassed by the girls from a summer fair , Christmas carol-singing and a sponsored fast during which Suzie Chamfer histrionically fainted in the lavatories .
4 The Divisional Court thought the matter ‘ a storm in a teacup which thereafter became unfortunately somewhat more serious ’ .
5 This year therefore we can confidently await further revelations in a case which already has most of the ingredients of the G.K. Chesterton formula for a thriller .
6 Dad steadied the bottom of the ladder but it still swung about a bit which really frightened me .
7 Just by opting for a more left field occupation you 're putting yourself on the edge a bit It really does take a bit of bottle to do that and find your own way through the maze rather than just go with the flow .
8 And there I went a bit I once saw a big pile of soil at the back you know .
9 But bail should be set at a level which effectively deters flight .
10 We will continue to encourage government to take positive steps to improve the situation of families in poverty , like providing better child care and better support services to families and maintaining and improving benefits at a level which actually ensure economic stability and guaranteeing that housing , safe and proper housing , is available for all children in our society .
11 I may have the idea that makes me start putting the brush strokes down , but at some point the canvas will take on a life of its own and lead me off in a direction I never expected to go .
12 He and Warnie , for example , had decided that they would erect a memorial window to their parents in St Mark 's , but it was a decision they quickly came to regret when the Lewis , Hamilton and Ewart cousins all weighed in with suggestions of what should go into the window .
13 The decision to expand outside national boundaries is therefore usually taken at some later stage in their development , and this section reviews the factors that may be taken into account in arriving at a decision which fundamentally alters the nature and scope of a company 's activities .
14 As we have seen , the decision to use TV is a joint one between ( in ) the creative and media groups in the agency , a decision which then has to be endorsed by the client .
15 Gerry Fitt with the full support of his party brought down the last Labour government over a decision which greatly enhanced the SDLP 's standing .
16 No doubt it appealed to his vanity and his ambition to be regarded as more than a mere fiddler ; but after a harrowing year it must have been a decision he bitterly regretted .
17 It served as a catalyst which greatly accelerated the pace of change within the Empire .
18 a thread which visibly supports the poet 's intercessions with the spirits of her past .
19 Obviously , as a watercolourist I often need to flood an entire paper 's surface with water .
20 You 'd recognize this if you are a driver and especially a driver who maybe has the opportunity of travelling long distance , now years ago when I was younger and perhaps some of you in the audience when you were younger , you could go from here to the South of England with no trouble , without a break and you 'd head on down the motorway and you , you 'd be alert and alive and er ready to meet up with all sorts of emergencies and you 'd drive quite well all the way down , non stop down the South of England , but if you 're like me now , when I get to Stafford on the motorway you 're beginning to feel as if you 've had enough and it 's difficult to try and keep your concentration as you used to years ago , and that 's how it can be in the truth sometimes , when we 've been with it a long time that , we grow older not only physically , but spiritually too we become very experienced in the truth and we become very sort of fat spiritually , we can live off of that fat ca n't we ?
21 We do not have to specify what it is we want to any analyst who in turn specifies it to a programmer who then writes a program .
22 As far as most Sussex people were concerned , it was probably a struggle which only affected them if they got in the way of one of the opposing forces .
23 All his life he fought against prejudice , a struggle he greatly enjoyed .
24 Danny Brady says he was threatened by a gang who then dumped all his belongings in the street .
25 Being resident , Bill was a familiar sight in the bar for many years , occupying a settle which now sits forlornly outside the Ladies ' locker room entrance .
26 It is better if you attend a course which specifically deals with self-defence .
27 So they have they have in fact embarked on a course which now lets these newspapers really deliver them up on a plate I mean they can fry them , they can bake them , they can grill them , they can roast them because they 've put themselves in a position where they now deserve the criticism and the level of imagery which they 're getting .
28 But a course which only consisted of getting the student on to the inside of one or more disciplines would not count as a course of higher education ; it would merely be a training in those disciplines .
29 Coming second , particularly to a course they once owned , is not a little irksome to the amiable Richard Muddle , a former Flat jockey , who allied his vast international racing experience to his father 's business acumen to bring a whole new concept of sound commercial practice to racecourse management in this country .
30 The continued argument about transport development shows how important a part it still plays in the economy of the US .
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