Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] [vb pp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So I mean I think what we envisaged though was that the local publicity group erm would meet and see if the well first of all I suppose was there a , a necessity having seen what we 've got from national level er necessity to produce a kind of newsletter , a joint unison newsletter specific to Northumberland , that 's what the group was going to have a look at was n't it ?
2 A driver had wrenched himself from another machine and was running back .
3 Therefore a passenger jumping off a moving bus and injuring himself would bring the motor vehicle within this section , but not generally where a driver has left his stationary motor vehicle parked on a road .
4 As the Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano observes : ‘ If what is written is read seriously and to some extent changes or nourishes the consciousness of the reader , a writer has justified his or her role in the process of change : with neither arrogance nor false humility , but with the recognition of being a small part of something vast ’ .
5 Before a prayer had formed itself , a young brown hand covered mine and I looked round to see the turbaned head of the Youngest Son , his face half covered by his head-scarf , his eyes laughing , his whole figure straight against the storm as though he and it had made some truce .
6 Once a chariot has taken its full quota of wounds it is destroyed .
7 It seemed to Wetherfield to follow that where a creditor had proved his debtor 's means , he might have him committed to prison , and that he could then levy on those means , if tangible and available , to obtain payment of what was owed him .
8 A seminarist has brought me a blanket off his own bed .
9 After a reeve has mated she departs from the lek to lay her eggs and rears her young by herself .
10 My surprise does not arise from the possibility of a Government defeat over the social chapter but from the fact that it is only now that such a story has found its way onto the front pages .
11 A housewife has asked us if she should pay off her mortgage now , while she can still afford to do so .
12 Though one would think not a morsel had passed her lips for months .
13 Keith said : ‘ If a wave had caught it it would have smashed the craft to pieces .
14 Because a horse has got plenty of blood and does n't miss a bit of blood drained off and then returned .
15 If a club has finished its league and cup programme , then it has also been practice that any ban imposed wo n't take effect until the start of next season , so as not to prevent the player taking part in close-season and pre-season tournaments .
16 There must be an open dialogue as a result of which the participants will not only enter each other 's world-view , but will as a result have re-evaluated their own position .
17 And as a result has awarded it top marks and a prestigious regional Quality Brickwork Award .
18 Lt. Hancock , who had taken over ‘ B ’ Flight of 185 Squadron after Innes Westmacott was wounded , crash-landed when his engine failed due to fuel starvation ; a fault had prevented his being able to switch over tanks .
19 A diver had found it out at sea trapped beneath the underground storage container from a petrol station , the container having been ripped right out of the ground .
20 A FRENCHWOMAN has given herself the ultimate facelift in an attempt to create the perfect features .
21 Meanwhile it also emerged today that a soldier has sent his medal for serving in Northern Ireland to the Ball family of in honour of their son .
22 A witness had seen him in deep water , shouting and waving for help .
23 A headline had grabbed her attention and so she bought the paper and sat in the booth reading over and over again the following morning .
24 A Corporal had given me a coathanger and a broom and showed me the Foreign Legion 's way of unblocking a difficult lavatory bowl ; it involved unbending the coathanger , jamming it down the U-bend , and working it vigorously backwards and forwards .
25 His killer , a 16-year-old hired assassin who was wounded and captured , later claimed that a stranger had provided him with a submachine gun and directed him to kill the UP leader .
26 Further experiences as a journalist have led me to appreciate the real power of the vested interest , the industrial lobby , the vast nationalised undertaking , and last , but not least , the status quo .
27 The failure of diplomacy to win them a homeland has left them hoping that Israeli retaliation against Iraq will split Syria and Egypt from the anti-Iraq alliance and open a new Arab-Israeli conflict .
28 A pond had flooded our path in a ‘ hazel-crowded glen ’ .
29 They include information on how to proceed if you are dissatisfied with the way a lawyer has handled your case or the diagnosis/treatment given by a doctor .
30 What would they do if a parent had grounded them , for instance , and yet they had arranged to meet friends outside ?
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