Example sentences of "a [adj] time a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Representatives from as many relevant agencies as possible met a few times a year , and devised an agreed strategy for the inner area concerned .
2 If the children get half a dozen whacks with a slipper a few times a year , surely it 's not abuse ?
3 And yet somebody else might have three or four thousand down , and that 's because they 're jetting off to er foreign climes a few times a year .
4 You had to pee a few times a day to survive .
5 I had n't been thinking about her that much , just a few times a day , and seldom imagined that I 'd glimpse her here or there on the street , on a bus , in the Superette , in the hospital , on a passing aeroplane five miles high .
6 It had been splendidly undemanding ; because of his family , she did not see him more than a few times a month , always meetings snatched at short notice and with absolutely no expectation from him that she would be available .
7 Could these be used to replace some other fattier meals a few times a week ?
8 If I 've been working a lot I deep cleanse with a mask a few times a week .
9 a few times a week and I think it sounded like three cos she was wondering how he would cope with driving and everything .
10 Eden would ring up , sometimes as often as a dozen times a day , to ask why there had been a certain speech made in the provinces by a member of the opposition , why an answer had n't been given , and that sort of thing .
11 A dozen times a day she pictured the woman with prematurely white hair who was now holding Angel to her breast , and she ached with longing to change places with her .
12 The other boy will mash tea a dozen times a day — your house becomes a transport cafe .
13 Equally , half a dozen times a day she felt again his hand on her , and she burned .
14 Whores did this , after all , a dozen times a day and would not recognize the man should they meet him in the street an hour later .
15 For at about the same time I was approached by the secretary of Edinburgh 's New Club which as a member of Brooks 's Club in London I was entitled to use on a reciprocal basis , and which I did use for lunch perhaps a dozen times a year .
16 ‘ About half a dozen times a year we find tarballs on that coast , which can come from right across the Atlantic , or passing ships could be to blame . ’
17 But I need n't have worried , she came to me just as smoothly as before , and I flew her half a dozen times a session over the next four days .
18 This hypothesis was for a long time a subject of much contention in anthropology and is not even now entirely laid to rest , but the meagre historical record we possess can not possibly support such an assertion .
19 This , the kylix par excellence , remains for a long time a vehicle for some of the finest vase-drawing , in the ton do and in many figured compositions between the handles .
20 You are a thousand times a properer man
21 And if they do , are there still people like Chris Hunter to answer a thousand times a day : what have you got for a penny ?
22 that 's a thousand times a roll times a roll one ooh ooh ooh !
23 Within a short time a truce had been arranged , and in September 1325 Prince Edward , soon to become Edward III , did homage , paid a relief ( or fine ) , and thereby secured the return of much of the land which the French had overrun .
24 It was , therefore , for a short time a part of the constitutional scheme that emerged from the revolution of the seventeenth century that ‘ Cabinets ’ were prohibited .
25 Later still he became for a short time a professor at Cambridge .
26 It is very often assumed , particularly by non-technical persons , that a product is tested for stability and that after a certain time a result is obtained proving stability of the product and/or pack .
27 They voted the local taxes for the governors ' salaries which might be as high as £2,000 a year ( a hundred times a labourer 's wage , and 40 per cent of the prime Minister 's salary ) , and sometimes they felt governors should earn their salaries by letting the assembly have its own way .
28 It 's no good preaching sermons to young people about the value of labour if all they do is to guide a piece of metal into a press and tread on a pedal a hundred times a day
29 He had taught the bird to pronounce the name of his lost love , and this name was repeated a hundred times a day .
30 Now you 'll want to look at your watch a hundred times a day .
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