Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun sg] [conj] an " in BNC.

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1 Although Burn showed both originality and ingenuity in his initial designs for the Edinburgh Academy , giving a two-storey building a single-storey façade and an unfluted portico to save on façading costs , others made the Greek revival their own : Thomas Hamilton who developed the basic arrangement of the final design of Burn 's Academy into the Royal High School , and William Henry Playfair , Burn 's contemporary at Smirke 's , whose work showed awareness of the latest developments in Germany .
2 Eight minutes of swooning , swirling guitar crescendos undercut by a moody bass and an unrelenting drum beat with Salli 's near angelic vocals creating a lulling scenario , akin to reading a novel which stops halfway through .
3 Eight minutes of swooning , swirling guitar crescendos undercut by a moody bass and an unrelenting drum beat with Salli 's near angelic vocals creating a lulling scenario , akin to reading a novel which stops halfway through .
4 They had had a pleasant walk and an easy supper .
5 Pasachoff manages to present , in a non-mathematical way , astronomy as a science with a rich past and an active present .
6 With a beaming smile and an avuncular pat on the arm , he added , ‘ I 'm real glad for you , lass .
7 — Department store bosses trying to try on clothes in their fiddly little changing rooms ( you can always tell people who 've been clothes shopping they 're the ones with the bruised elbows ) ; — Town planners and architects who think steps are an interesting feature trying to get up them in a wheelchair , with a pram , or just with creaky old legs ; — Hospital consultants who make ten appointments for the same time waiting in out-patients , especially if it 's the day when there 's a dotty old lady , a whining child and an old man who coughs and spits all in the same little section ; — Weird fashion experts wearing their crazier outfits in Darlington on a rainy Monday .
8 or a coronary is normal , and I think again , that stops people for asking for help because the they 're not sure whether it 's a depressed mood or an illness .
9 We 're talking about the combined and simultaneous effect of a massive thermonuclear detonation , a volcanic eruption and an earthquake .
10 Both a shy person and an extrovert person can show positive attitudes and exhibit highly developed business skills .
11 The survey also found that two-thirds of the customers surveyed did not understand the Financial Services Act distinction between a tied agent and an independent financial adviser .
12 He had a retentive memory and an unspoilt enthusiasm for English poetry .
13 With a dry wit and an infectious Brooklyn drawl , Karen , as part of the Flatbush-based Soulboys group of club-runners , was responsible for some of the first illegal parties in New York , as well as having the much-coveted job of doorperson at various Manhattan clubs .
14 Molly 's father awoke the next morning with a start , a dry mouth and an erection for which he had no need .
15 It irritated her to think that she had n't been doing anything reckless like running to catch a bus ; but she had a private theory that an old person did n't break a hip because she fell , but fell because her hip snapped , after gradual erosion .
16 We believe that human beings have a divine origin and an eternal destiny .
17 Club commitments will rule Kernaghan out of a possible call-up when an American team visit Dublin at the end of April .
18 Hyacinth Scragg accepted her hotel breakfast with disgust — the statutory sausage , a tepid tomato and an institutionally fried egg .
19 In the Atlantic O. dominans bears closet affinity with O. fasciculata Lyman , 1883 , found off St. Kitts , Leeward Is ( Fig. 29 ) but differs by the following characters ; the plates of the disk are much larger and fewer in number than in O. fasciculata ; the oral shield is irregular or hourglass in shape , not arrowhead shaped as in O. fasciculata , finally the shape of the tentacle scales simple and spine-like in O. dominans but leaf-like or with a broad base and an acute tip in O. fasciculata .
20 Like Karim , Hanif Kureishi was born of a Pakistani father and an English mother and brought up in the London borough of Bromley .
21 Exposed after a bigamous marriage in New York in 1885 , he changed his name to its final form and enlisted with Thorsten Nordenfelt , the London-based Swedish inventor of a quick-firing gun and an unseaworthy submarine .
22 A large part of the interest in nonlinear dynamics arises from its applications : there is a strong belief that an understanding of the patterns of bifurcations in dynamical systems provides a means of understanding natural phenomena .
23 They were to remember where they came from : ‘ Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and the Lord your God brought you out with a strong hand and an outstretched arm . ’
24 In almost every society we know something about , except perhaps the very simplest , there are individuals who specialize in music or who are regarded as more skilled ; in this respect , notation brings about not a total change but an added stimulus , and even without it , there can develop — as in blues or in British ‘ folk ’ traditions — an idea of particular songs being attached in some way to individuals : ‘ that 's X 's song ’ .
25 ( No. 2 ) [ 1990 ] 2 Lloyds Rep. 526 Hirst l-held that it was a dear benefit or an avoidance of a disbenefit to the defendants that the plaintiffs agreed to take delivery of a ship on the contract date since —
26 But these were a tiny minority of the West European population and European governments did not take kindly to idealists who believed that a European parliament and an American-style single market could be created swiftly on a continent whose linguistic , cultural and socio-economic differences had been ingrained over centuries .
27 I toyed with the idea of walking the station to meet him , but , having a sore throat and an impending cold , had gone out to get cough sweets from the ‘ Paki shop ’ just before it closes at 10pm and , coming up the street , the heavens opened and a mass of snow began to fall , so I came in and stayed in , so that 's freshly home made onion soup was ready as he came up the stairs .
28 There is a spacious lounge and an inviting bar , and a good choice of menu in the restaurant which overlooks the garden .
29 Width often leads to superficiality and depth may produce a blinkered approach and an intellectual treadmill .
30 Respectively they include device-independent device control protocols to enable heterogeneous video cassette recorders , laser disks and Compact Disk players to be integrated , a Japanese text-to-speech synthesiser necessary to phone-based data retrieval and TruVoice , a text-to-speech converter and an application programming interface that transforms any text passage into spoken English or Spanish .
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