Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the end , between lengthy visits to Walter Reed Hospital in Washington and crippled with arthritis as a result of a youthful bicycle accident , he turned a deaf ear to opposition calls to resign after losing his majority .
2 The Churchyard is a pleasant spot to loiter .
3 Part of the power of cad is how the powerful graphics capabilities can give a friendly solidness to engineering drawings .
4 Because of the advances in science and technology of lithotripter techniques , it was presented as a simpler alternative to surgery , and the piezoceramic device proved very effective .
5 The RCM prided itself on a broad-minded approach to religion This suited the collective temperament of the ruling body , which was drawn largely from the liberal branch of Judaism , and made sense in terms of practical politics .
6 All these behaviours are part of a vicious circle where a maladaptive response to stress produces more stress .
7 The first sign of this was two approaches to Gabriel for her services ; one disguised as a joking phone call , the other as a polite invitation to lunch , but both real .
8 The first of these approaches has resulted in a programme called the ‘ Management Charter Initiative ’ , which is currently planning a nationwide training initiative with a highly flexible approach — bringing together in-house provision with higher education provision and suggesting a laddered approach to management development throughout the whole careers of those involved .
9 NATIONAL Express has enjoyed a one-way ticket to profitability , the coach operator revealed today in its first results since it floated on the stock market .
10 Devolution is a one-way house to independence and isolation , ’ he claims .
11 Keeton spent three years there before returning to Cambridge , where he established himself as a private tutor to Law students , while he waited to be invited to fill a vacancy for a legal appointment in the Foreign Office .
12 ‘ He might hire a private detective to tail you .
13 Giving a little thought to body language beforehand will get you off to a good start .
14 But on the journey to Vadinamia I also spent some time giving a little thought to security .
15 He received from one of those organisations , the Board of Guardians , food , clothing , a little money to tide him over the worst first weeks , and the address of a family who would provide a room and warmth .
16 And , because we griddle our meat , there is no extra fat added during cooking , just a little salt to season .
17 It would surely be tempting providence to suggest a prominent showing in the Benson & Hedges because they will require , to use gardening vernacular , ‘ a little time to bed down . ’
18 Captain Goldsborough , wrapped in his thick , black fur , and with a little time to while away until the road should be clear of wedding-carriages , appeared to be telling her so .
19 It would have been a devastating blow to morale in that summer , when everyone was on hair-trigger invasion alert . ’
20 There was some indication , too , that the child who was showing signs of a helpless approach to life and one or more symptoms of childhood disturbance ( truanting , bedwetting , stealing , fearfulness and so on ) as well as experiencing a lack of care was especially likely to be depressed in adulthood ( Harris et al. , 1987c ) .
21 A helpless approach to life and a low sense of self-esteem are two factors which have been suggested as being associated with a raised risk of depression following threatening life events ( see chapter 4 ) .
22 There was always the last resort of threatening to take a persistent defaulter to court , as wine merchant Henry Berry had done .
23 Moderator all the main line churches have recognized a divine call to unity throughout this century .
24 At a stroke the party managers and fixers have lost their assumption of a divine right to power .
25 That is what will keep us head and shoulders above any of our competitors even if they do wave a BS5750 certificate around as though it guarantees them a divine right to business success .
26 But James Beck has produced a solid contribution to Renaissance studies , and , unlike so many art-historical books , the author 's engagement with his subject is felt on almost every page .
27 Similarly , others have argued that the matrices make little allowance for risk and in their early application this was true , but , if one undertakes a Porter-type analysis to give a solid foundation to industry attractiveness and competitive strengths and the derivation of the appropriate strategies , that will take into account a risk assessment .
28 Colleagues and I recently reported a case that may point to a possible adjunct to treatment for these patients .
29 A possible committal to prison on account of her long-standing beliefs did not frighten her in the least .
30 This course , with its strong academic emphasis , is a possible alternative to degree courses in the History of Art for those students who still seek to retain an involvement with practical work in Art and Design .
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