Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] [is] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In Principia Ethica ( p. 41 ) Moore implies that what makes good a non-natural quality is that it could not exist by itself in time , as other properties could .
2 A simpler interpretation is that the experimenters have rediscovered what Lashley ( 1950 ) showed many years ago , that partial removal of the cortical area to which the dorsal lateral geniculate body projects , has remarkably little effect on simple form discrimination tasks and that it is only when the entire cortical projection zone is removed that severe deficits , detectable in the simple behavioural paradigms we use , emerge .
3 The main problem for a private pilot is that it has the widest airspeed envelope available this side of the Harrier .
4 This would imply the promotion of another pagus of the Brigantes , and a possible candidate is that represented by the curia Textoverdorum mentioned on an altar from Chesterholm .
5 The indication of a possible error is if the lexical look-up produces no allowable candidate strings , or if all candidates at a word position are rejected by further stages of analysis .
6 A possible explanation is that during the 1950s and 1960s , before Aldabra became a scientific reserve , commercial fishermen from the Seychelles living on the island hunted goats with dogs at night .
7 A possible explanation is that the Celtic tradition remained in these areas longer than the south and west , the people of which with their close Gallic links had been subject to greater Roman influence before the conquest , this region too was where the vast majority of the figured pottery was made .
8 A possible explanation is that this jacket may well have been the last issue made to C/Sgt Nicholl in the last year or so of his service , and , as will be seen , may have been scarcely worn .
9 A possible explanation is that the reduced bile flow as shown in cholesterol gall stone patients may enhance the absorption of water in the bile duct and may thus produce hepatic bile with a greater total lipid concentration .
10 Again , a possible disadvantage is that you must pay in advance .
11 A possible disadvantage is that , since such offences may lack the stigma of the word ‘ manslaughter ’ , they may tend to underplay the gravity of the behaviour involved .
12 A possible scenario is that he had turned to leave the church when he was attacked from behind . ’
13 A possible reason is that it was difficult to get arms and ammunition to the right place , despite the virtual absence of border controls between Germany and its western neighbours .
14 A possible reply is that they are neither .
15 A possible future is that regions will pass away and districts amalgamate to make contracts for more specialist services — tertiary care .
16 The problem with a literal approach is that it has frequently been used to persuade a court that wholly unlikely consequences might arise and that the court should , in the light of those consequences conclude that the restraint is unreasonable .
17 A not-surprising result is that low market share coupled with high capital intensity spells disaster .
18 The idea that characters could be interchangeable units raises the question of just what a fictional character is and what is involved in shuttling it between novels .
19 Lengthy works of great technical excellence have been written on the subject of costing , but the acid test of a well-organised system is that it provides useful information to management under each of the above headings .
20 ‘ The reason women do n't have such a strong odour is that they do n't depend on scent to attract , ’ says Dave Kelly .
21 A specific objective is that this new body will work directly with the local enterprise companies .
22 One reason why we are determined not to have a Labour Government is that they might tip the balance in the Community towards a fortress Europe and against the forces of free trade which we have successfully orchestrated so far .
23 Another reason why the country needs to be saved from a Labour Government is that it is bad enough to have the type of nonsense that went on in Luigi 's restaurant happening when the Labour party is in opposition , but it would be especially ridiculous if it happened with the Labour party in government .
24 The second reason why God does not give up on you as a hopeless case is because he can see the future .
25 ‘ The danger of a hung Parliament is that it could hang Britain , ’ a senior Cabinet minister said yesterday .
26 The danger in viewing the organisation as a purposeful entity is that one ends up with a highly abstract and artificial analysis .
27 And the reason I call it a candid portrait is because I do n't think that the he may have seen somebody there with a camera , but he certainly was n't posing for the camera .
28 The other most obvious difference between the researcher and the ordinary new member of a social group is that the former must keep detailed and accurate notes and records of everything observed and every impression gained .
29 The main reason why dominance relations reduce the amount of overt aggression within a social group is that weaker individuals come to learn that they are weak , and therefore avoid entering into fights that would be effortless to the stronger , and dangerous to themselves .
30 The three and a half inch is as I said it 's approximately
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