Example sentences of "a [noun] if she [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 He believed Maureen would have mentioned such a story if she had heard one and he took the view that she had no proof whatsoever .
2 But er when we when that er train I er had I 'd written the postcard for home and I asked a lady if she 'd post it for me .
3 ‘ Your grandmother had enough money to buy a home if she 'd wanted to , ’ Lucenzo observed in a soft growl .
4 She could make her living as a potter if she wanted to ; she 's a natural . ’
5 Robyn turned , forcing herself to ignore the sudden uncontrollable lurch in the pit of her stomach , the slight tremble in her hands that would surely take a hold if she let it .
6 A woman was classified as having a fracture if she had at least two minor deformities ( reduction of two vertebral height ratios by at least 2 SD ) or a single severe deformity ( reduction of two vertebral height ratios by at least 3 SD ) .
7 It would be a shame if she did n't take one last look at her fictional hero — the man it was safe to love because he was so completely out of her world …
8 They 'd have a record if she had made a Will .
9 I even wondered just for a moment if she had , unknown to me , made another , negative , speech later in the day .
10 Perhaps she heard his steps before he knocked — she opened the door very quickly — and he wondered for a moment if she had been as she had when he last saw her , standing just inside the door , her head on one side , listening , as she had listened to the bombs , and to the siren she heard before it was sounded .
11 Again and again in the night hours she thought of him , of his aggression and of the barely veiled hint in his parting shot ‘ so long as it does n't interfere with your work ! ’ that for all she had , so far , gone along with everything he had decreed , she could still find herself out of a job if she did n't toe the line .
12 Gon na have a shock if she got it
13 The old woman was always threatening her with a stick-licking if she told lies , but told them herself .
14 Fabia felt it might be a touch cruel to laugh at him again but , feeling certain he would run a mile if she took him seriously , she was a little nonplussed about how to answer him .
15 The Act also attempted to deal with the problem of the tendency of defence lawyers to pillory a woman if she had had any non-marital sexual experience .
16 But , since Cara was supposed to be with her in Czechoslovakia and had said that she 'd be doing her a favour if she did n't ring them , Fabia settled for the next best thing .
17 Kate Howey , 18 , the world junior middleweight champion , might have won more than a bronze if she had not incurred a seven-point penalty against Marianne Charve , of France , in her semi-final .
18 Would she have collapsed into a heap if she 'd learnt that Stephen was silent because he was wondering if his father had murdered his mother ?
19 Mr Dennis said the man put his hand over the girl 's face and mouth and threatened to throw her in a river if she screamed .
20 She could have been a dancer if she 'd taken lessons .
21 One mother claimed : ‘ She would not have said such a thing if she had been married .
22 He said she feared she would look like a money-grabber if she went to court to get the possessions after the divorce so he agreed to sign them over .
23 She always always oh she she had a second sight like that , I think she should 've been a doctor if she 'd lived in these this day and age .
24 Could he give her the best of food or pay for a doctor if she fell sick or buy her fine clothes or anythin' she fancies ?
25 A similar video was made showing the physical environment of the mainstream school and the tutor group of which the child would become a member if she came to the school .
26 Well if I 'm there and I 'm a guest if she cooked for her and Martin she ca n't just ignore me !
27 ‘ We 'd have had a visit if she 'd gone straight to the nearest phone , ’ Goldman observed .
28 Mama would have a fit if she knew . ’
29 Mrs Bennett would have a fit if she knew Celia had gone up to Beckwith 's Folly , but it was n't the first time lately that she had been overwhelmed by the desire to escape , although it was the first time she had actually done anything about it .
30 ‘ Patsy Pill would have a fit if she found out , and we 'd all be at defaulters ’ . '
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