Example sentences of "a [noun] she [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 She loved me all right and I was her only son , but oh , what a struggle she had to show ii .
2 Deep down , in some tiny corner of her mind untouched by this scorching , debilitating heat , she knew this was madness , yet she seemed powerless to resist as his mouth moved back to hers , hot and urgent , seeking a response she had to give .
3 There was a silence so complete she could hear the slight rasp in Mrs Browning 's chest , a rasp that broke into a cough she seemed to welcome .
4 But after a term she decided to take a different route , bookshop experience , a degree in English , more bookshop experience , and some in wholesaling .
5 Her health began to fail during the recent drought and as a result she had to give up her job .
6 Like a child she wanted to explore .
7 And my mum thinks a home she wants to take me to a psychiatrist or something .
8 It was a skill she needed to master if she was to drop into occupied France .
9 Had n't he realised that if he married a girl she had to eat ?
10 It 's a shame she had to go . ’
11 And , briefly glimpsed , in a place she longed to reach , there still lay tenderness .
12 From being the centre of his attention one moment all of a sudden she ceased to exist .
13 For a moment she wanted to rebel , to pull back from the brink even at this stage of the game .
14 So it was a desire she had to deny .
15 And when something odd began to happen in her own body , a sensation she wished to call ugly because she had never felt it before and did not wish to feel it now with him , she released her temper again , thrashing about quite wildly beneath him to hurt herself and make the treacherous feeling go away .
16 She settled down to wait with a book on caving she found in his bookcase , but after a while she had to acknowledge he 'd been gone longer than she 'd expected .
17 For a while she managed to swim , but eventually she grew tired and her mouth filled with water , and she sank choking beneath the waves …
18 After a while she began to enjoy the pure clear voices of the Sisters .
19 After a while she began to speak again and Fatima listened , her elbows on her knees and her chin on her hands .
20 He put his arm around her , and after a while she began to cry .
21 After a while she began to get the message , but it required a lot of patience .
22 At first she walked with confidence , reversing her earlier directions , but after a while she began to get confused .
23 She had switched the apartment air-conditioning off , distrusting its effect on the health , and for a while she tried to convince herself that it was the unaccustomed humidity that made her so restless , but she did n't really believe it , and the eyes that looked back at her from her bathroom mirror in the morning were shadowy , and hunted .
24 For a while she tried to stay awake , but in the end she gave up .
25 For a while she tried to work , but it was useless .
26 When Karen Stephens trained as a hairdresser she had to learn more than just the rudiments of cutting and blow-drying/ She also had to tackle the problems of learning how to lip-read in a mirror , as 20-year-old Karen has been deaf all her life .
27 There was no sign of a studio and for a minute she expected to find that Alain had been merely frightening her — some hidden cruelty to make her feel uncomfortable , another chance to embarrass her .
28 For a minute she continued to hold on to me .
29 In order to make a weekly sum of money even dimly visible to the naked eye , she had to translate fifty pages a week , a drudgery she tried to regard as ineluctable as brushing her teeth or washing the kitchen floor .
30 Almost giddy with nervous tension and a feeling she refused to acknowledge as fear , Luce sighed with relief .
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