Example sentences of "a [noun] you have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , if you 've got a function you have n't got that much of bar trade
2 You can not simply draw up a covenant ( or a Deposited Covenant Agreement ) to cover a donation you have already made in the hope that ACET can obtain tax advantage on the sum given .
3 You should have left it there Dominic would eat it , he 'll find it , he 'll say who 's been down here and had a sandwich you have n't had one
4 ‘ I was only thinking that if you 're always so high-handed in your dealings with people it 's a wonder you have n't had your come-uppance . ’
5 It 's a wonder you have n't got a sore throat all the time Ann .
6 They do have other uses of course , such as giving you an early , audible warning of a bite you have not yet seen , and allow you to attend to other things like pouring a cup of coffee and watering the horse , without the risk of missing a bite .
7 If you can not remember the details and do not have the relevant piece of paper in front of you , you may find yourself floundering as you try to answer a question you have not really understood .
8 ( 4 ) Pick a work you have recently read or are in the process of reading .
9 Now , as the thought came into his mind he spoke it aloud , and had he spoken like this to anyone else it would have been taken as an insult , for what he said was , ‘ It 's a pity you have n't had education , Mick . ’
10 It 's a pity you have n't got to earn enough to put in there and pay for it .
11 You were heir to a throne and I was a minor officer from a village you had never heard of . "
12 This is a good exercise to practise if you are sitting in a restaurant or on a train journey — but do n't let your chosen subject catch you staring or you might get a reaction you had n't bargained for !
13 What a shame you 've never been there .
14 Le Bugue is a place you 've probably never heard of before now : it 's in France , and they 're having a 16ft wide 6ft tall ramp along with a 12ft wide 4ft tall mini being constructed at a Summer Camp , along with some street ramps and handrails .
15 If you 've got a business you 've probably got an accountant .
16 ‘ How you suddenly remember something very vividly , ’ she said , ‘ and you think for a moment you 've really got hold of it .
17 ( e ) Sometimes invite a student to write on the blackboard , eg to write out a dictation you have just given .
18 ‘ Just keep looking for a more credible suspect with a motive you have n't found yet , I suggest . ’
19 And now you 've come down to London with no accommodation apart from that grotty little hotel , and signed a lease on a shop you 've never seen before , with no independent survey , no up-to-date trading figures and no solicitor to check the terms of the agreement ? ’
20 It will appear suddenly in the pocket of a jacket you have n't worn since it came back from the cleaners .
21 Three so she 'd say , Oh you know mind I 've cut it up a bit do you you should n't it 's still a quarter still a quarter you have n't lost a bit of it but it 's still a quarter three twelfths is the same as a quarter .
22 Erm but maybe this , this issue is , is , could be important in the sense that you , you 've got tt er if you take China as a whole you 've probably got well in excess of a million villages erm you 've probably got a denser population in the south than the north so you 've got more than half a million villages in the south
23 Hold on a minute you 've still got a this on the bottom have n't you ?
24 Ooh it 's this spot , I shall in a minute you have n't seen a leaflet Dave , for Debenhams have you ?
25 So for a minute you have obviously got a hundred and eighty words and for two minutes it 's double that amount .
26 No paper survey can replace your own intuition about a paper you have actually tried .
27 Stopped , just for five minutes , just to have a quick look , and now here you are , in charge of the stall of a woman you do n't know , a woman you 've never seen before in your life , and all because someone called Harry was n't to get away with something — And that man with blue eyes was watching her again .
28 You can specify the number of a page in the mail message you have viewed previously ; you may also specify a page number to move forward in the mail message , but only to a page you have already viewed , or to the next page ( if one exists ) .
29 ‘ You like it so much you agreed to sail across the Mediterranean , with a man you 'd only met a couple of times , regardless of the fact that you did n't know one end of a boat from the other . ’
30 And if you refuse to go on the grounds of this silly prejudice against a man you have n't even met , just because you disapprove of the way he 's made his money , that makes you a bigot , Virginia Chester !
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