Example sentences of "a [noun] in the time " in BNC.

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1 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the opportunity for this country to help support genuine refugees abroad through various aid programmes is not helped by the fact that , according to a headline in The Times today , bogus refugees bleed Britain of £100 million through benefit fraud ?
2 He adds that ‘ There is little doubt that here existed a town in the time of the Britons ’ and a settlement grew around the Druidic university which according to Peck was the ancient British city of Doorebriff , meaning ‘ sharp stream ’ .
3 A leader in The Times commented :
4 A leader in The Times Higher Education Supplement had this to say :
5 A leader in the Times Higher Education Supplement called the plan to abolish the ILEA ‘ a disgraceful measure that plainly verges on maladministration ’ , and went on to claim that the abolition ‘ will set back education in London for a generation ’ .
6 This was certainly the view of a leader in The Times Higher Education Supplement which talked of ‘ the expectation , and for many the hope , that the bipartite structure to be established by the Bill will not endure for long ’ .
7 There was a restlessness in the time that communicated itself everywhere and to everyone , that communicated itself to the very sounds in Britain 's air , the stones beneath Britain 's feet .
8 These two reports remain the source of almost all the information about the eruption ; the Royal Society in particular went to great lengths to amass every possible scrap of information and even inserted a notice in The Times requesting anyone who had seen or heard anything to come forward .
9 He won the Commonwealth and European titles , married and became a father in the time he lived with his particular pain .
10 She stared out of the window and thought she could write a book in the time it was taking them to get to Nice , which really was just around the corner .
11 On the following Monday , a letter in The Times from ‘ Foreign Office ’ claimed that there was little support in the House of Commons for a classical design , to which Coningham replied on the Thursday that ‘ the great majority of the architectural profession ’ have concluded that Gothic was not appropriate .
12 Since the accent in this study lies on 1922 , a report in The Times for 6 January may suffice as an eye-witness account of conditions in Saratov and Samara gubernii .
13 In the following extract from a report in The Times ( 15 May 1982 ) the same individual is referred to by a number of different expressions which relate to the multiple roles that the reporter considers relevant to the incident :
14 The next move was to bring forward the draft of the new constitution : the first that the Secretary of State knew of this was when he read a report in The Times ( 20 May ) headed ‘ A Republic of Burma ’ .
15 Tennyson wrote the poem very quickly , after reading a report in The Times which included the phrase ‘ someone had blundered ’ .
16 In a report in The Times of Aug. 28 it was confirmed that police had filed criminal charges against Bhutto 's husband , Asif Ali Zardari , on grounds of illegal possession of arms , as well as on corruption charges .
17 A report in The Times of Aug. 25 confirmed that prominent PPP leaders had gone underground following attempts by the interim government to implicate the party in shooting incidents in Karachi on Aug. 22 in which 34 people were reported killed .
18 However , a report in The Times of April 25 stated that the three main Panthic committees , whose member organizations led the separatist struggle in the state , had decided to put up candidates in the elections .
19 According to a report in The Times of April 3 , the United States administration had also urged political reform , and a White House official confirmed that President Bush had written to the Amir " about the political and economic challenges in Kuwait " .
20 According to a report in The Times , the Prime Minister is determined to get the talks going again before the end of the year .
21 Beyond was a bank , farther still some houses , ribbed with black beams , whitewashed , crooked and ancient , and then the Black Lion , and shops , the heterogeneous collection of buildings which composed a town which had been a hamlet in the time of the Tudors , a flourishing and prosperous market town in the eighteenth century , and was now , in the twentieth , settling comfortably into another phase of its existence , off the main traffic route , a backwater serving the big houses around , a dormitory for the more successful managers and executives in the prosperous light-manufacturing town of Bridgeborough some thirty miles away .
22 Guthlac himself was of distinguished Mercian stock and a descendant of the Iclingas , the Mercian royal dynasty ( Vita Guthlaci , chs 1 , 2 ) , and formerly an exile in the time of Ceolred 's father , Aethelred , among the Britons ( Vita Guthlaci , ch. 34 ) .
23 In an interview in The Times , he said : ‘ I think if they are not careful , the Press will become a major political issue of the 1990s , as the unions were in the 1970s .
24 Henry had read an article in The Times , which said that partners who lost a loved one often blamed the departed for the death .
25 In November 1986 he wrote an article in The Times specifically about the effect of GCSE on those pupils who wanted to proceed to university .
26 When I came across an article in The Times of 18 December 1964 , on cats which could swim , I cut it out and sent it to George Boas … but not to Panofsky .
27 And then she read out excerpts from an article in the Times .
28 Twenty years later , in an article in The Times , Treasure was even more categorical : ‘ I believe the tax system is the single most important cause of the lack of desire to improve efficiency that exists in our economy today . ’
29 Degrees in pharmacy were approved to the point at which an article in the Times Educational Supplement in 1971 could comment :
30 An article in The Times Educational Supplement on the same day talked of bitterness among college principals at CNAA treatment , and their turning to universities for approval .
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