Example sentences of "a [noun] [vb pp] in its " in BNC.

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1 Of course — if you will forgive me for saying so — it is a bit stilted in its present form .
2 The EC is blocking pork and beef imports because it claims that American slaughterhouses are unsanitary ; the Americans are blocking some wine imports because they have not tested a drug used in its production .
3 Where the branch manufactures a product ( such as a car ) the standards it must comply with are those of the host member state ; conversely , where it sells a product made in its home member state the manufacturing standards of the home member state are normally the relevant ones , although the rules of the host member state would apply to its advertising in that state provided that they are justified as being for the public good .
4 The other landings that night had varied success : two Germans killed south of Le Touquet ; a seaplane stalked in its anchorage near Boulogne , but it took off — no doubt unaware of the intruders — before they reached it ; and the other party saw nobody after landing on a waste of dunes .
5 But she stood frozen to the spot , a rabbit caught in a white light , a moth caught in its destiny with a flame .
6 I conclude this survey of Ingleborough with the same reluctance I feel when leaving the mountain after a day spent in its company , aware that I have failed to do justice to an old friend .
7 Similarly , an airline or even government operated air traffic control authority might amend a procedure promulgated in its manuals for the same reason .
8 She could reach the chapel from here , but it was situated in the forebuilding , beyond the staircase turret at the other end of the corridor , and , though a rushlight burned in its sconce above the steps leading to Matilda 's rooms , the rest of the passage lay in heavy darkness .
9 She found herself facing a glass-panelled door , with the luminous dot of a bell set in its frame .
10 An old kettle with a hole burnt in its bottom lay on its side in a drift of twigs and old mortar .
11 Strikes by Doherty ‘ s National Union of Operative Spinners , and in the coal fields , greatly alarmed Peel , at the Home Office ; and , in what were to be the dying days of the Tory administration , he looked unsuccessfully for a legal answer to what he called ‘ the constitution and acts of a confederacy calculated in its immediate effects to disturb the peace of the manufacturing districts , and capable , if allowed to gain strength and consistency , of being converted at once into an open resistance to the law . ’
12 Since one of the requirements for a score is that the contestant retains an effective defensive posture , the potential score is wiped out and a penalty imposed in its place .
13 See Dentdale in summer when the hay meadows are on fire with wild flowers and the roadsides are crowded with the pale lilac of the bell flowers and you will find it hard to disagree with one early writer 's description of Dentdale as " an earthly paradise " , even if it does have a vampire buried in its churchyard .
14 ( Amnesty also returned to an issue covered in its December 1990 report on abuses under the Iraqi occupation — see p. 37927 — saying that there was in fact no reliable evidence to support the claim that babies had died as a result of being removed from incubators by Iraqi troops . )
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