Example sentences of "a [noun] [vb pp] in their " in BNC.

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1 I had cavalierly presupposed that theme parks make people happy , that whereas for most of us there 's generally a vague resistance to be overcome when we are confronted by the more cerebral seductions of art and literature — a resistance rooted in their potential obscurities and our cultural insecurities — a ‘ ride ’ in the Disneyworld sense caters to an immediate , instinctive and near-universal appetite for simple , sensual gratification and can therefore dispense with too much analysis .
2 The ‘ enlightened classes ’ failed to appear and respond to a creed forged in their supposed interests : the propaganda of luces could no more create in Spain a bourgeoisie in the French image than the propaganda of free trade , half a century later , could create an English middle class .
3 ( Just watch two pigeons on a roof engaged in their act of courtship . )
4 Whilst Jean was there , the women were spending anything up to twenty-three hours a day locked in their cells .
5 He found the service ‘ exceptionally good ’ , but added : ‘ You have to expect that when the cricket is on you do n't quite get the service you 'd normally expect because they 've all got a radio stuck in their pocket and the ear-piece stuck in their ear . ’
6 As children , Diana and Charles were afraid of the dark and they insisted that the landing light was left on or a candle lit in their rooms .
7 Along with members of their families and work colleagues Gwilym and Harold attended a dinner held in their honour at the Belfry Hotel , Stockport .
8 Customers can look forward to an £5 cut in their standing charges while a 15% dividend rise to 6p is on the way for shareholders .
9 Looking at the matter generally , I can not believe that that could conceivably have been the intention of Parliament when passing the Children Act 1989 and thereby , if Judge Galpin is right , taking away from children within England and Wales the right to have an order made in their best interests by returning them to where they ought to be , which was a right which those children had , and parents acting on their behalf were able to claim in the courts , until 14 October 1991 .
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