Example sentences of "a [noun] [adv] with the " in BNC.

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1 She knew how dispirited he must feel , but wished he would help her a bit more with the housework .
2 The first thing to do is to re-read the case thoroughly until you are confident that you have assimilated all the facts ( this is n't too difficult with a short case like this one , but is a bit harder with the longer ones ) .
3 We can go a bit further with the analysis , and look at what sort of young girl she is depicting .
4 ‘ The best design strategy is not to program a computer directly with the wealth of descriptive detail that constitutes a natural language but rather to give it the basic set of expectations and abilities that are needed to learn a language . ’
5 It consists of a viewer and screen in a briefcase together with the entire NACAB information system reduced to 300 postcard-size sheets of film in a plastic binder .
6 I been on a boat once with the school .
7 THE mushroom industry got a boost today with the opening of a new spawn distribution centre in Co Armagh .
8 … as CNAA degree work expands in a college concurrently with the growth of a college academic community capable of accepting further freedoms and responsibilities , there may well come a point where much of the detailed work now necessary can be dispensed with and a somewhat different relationship established between college and Council .
9 In 1961 he finally pulled a deal together with the Ford Motor Co and AC Cars Ltd , and early in 1962 the Cobra was born .
10 The association with Fahreddin Acemi of the only information in the Turkish sources about the activities of the early Muftis may well not be entirely coincidental , for in one very important respect he seems to have differed from his two predecessors in the traditional list , Molla Fenari and Molla Yegan , in that he appears not to have held a kadilik simultaneously with the Muftilik , whereas Molla Fenari and Molla Yegan apparently both held the kadilik of Bursa at the same time as the Muftilik .
11 It thus appears most unlikely that Fahreddin Acemi could have held the kadilik of Edirne for a significant period and much more likely that he never held it at all ; and in this respect , in his not holding a kadilik simultaneously with the Muftilik , Fahreddin Acemi seems not only to differ from his predecessors but also to resemble all his successors in the office of Mufti .
12 The disembarkation began immediately , and I took the opportunity of a run ashore with the others to survey our unique landfall .
13 In the popular health system , on the other hand , the primary health care workers ( brigadistas ) anticipate some of these issues and enter into a dialogue both with the mother and the community as a whole .
14 I hope that any local authority that has land available will develop a dialogue quickly with the housing association movement , whose resources are increasing substantially , to see whether it can make faster progress than would otherwise be the case in meeting housing needs in its area .
15 We have a bit of a crisis here with the American Tour .
16 He had the roughness and strength of a Norseman together with the tenderness , nay , even shyness , of a woman ; a great , big , generous character …
17 After that 's the spring term we 're into now , after Christmas erm health now there was there are packages and Catherine gave them to me on personal hygiene , things like that and I think Paul erm I know he would be keen he said , he 'd be keen to maybe put a package together with the help of all the form teachers plus myself and maybe do a bit into health , cos I mean you know it 's it 's
18 No because I had a meeting yesterday with the kid , with the kids !
19 Value engineering ( VE ) consists of considering the costs of producing a product together with the functions it provides .
20 Value engineering ( VE ) consists of considering the costs of producing a product together with the functions it provides .
21 Have you been of work for a while then with the dreaded flu ? ? . i hope your little one did not catch it it is a particularly strong virus that is going around at the moment .
22 Incumbent Saatchi & Saatchi has been using a 90-second ad with the key line ‘ For him , for her , forever …
23 Then he went round to the back and told the Brownie Guider who was sitting on a bench inside with the Brownies .
24 We made a start today with the notion that seems to me most central to our inquiry — the one with which , as it happens , I personally have most difficulty .
25 The sport of horse racing has taken a tumble today with the news that there 'll be less Arab money being invested in breeding and training … but as one stable door closes … another one opens … in Gloucestershire trainer David Nicholson and his team have moved into their new home … its the biggest and hopefully best yard steeplechasing has ever seen
26 For both occasions she had worn the same hat — an uncompromising chenille turban ; Helen had disposed of it a month ago with the rest of her things and , as she looked at the photographs , felt again the curious dry but slimy touch of it .
27 I had to get a lift home with the richest virgin in London . ’
28 The plaintiff accepted a lift home with the defendant although he knew the defendant was drunk .
29 We can see a resemblance here with the sub plot in King Lear in which Gloucester pours most of his affection , initially on his legitimate child and , in ignoring Edmund , turn him against him and his brother .
30 But you do n't get that choice you do n't er and to me I , I hate going because the , you , you got everyone seems to be , it 's , it 's as bad as a road really with the trolleys erm and I badly miss this over-the-counter service but er
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