Example sentences of "a [noun] [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Their guides took them by a route well to the west of the main Annandale road , round the hill of Trailtrow , although they did not see it , avoiding the Brydekirk area , and on down the winding valley of a small stream running south-eastwards .
2 Even in these situations , however , first generation Caribbeans are more likely to use a variety close to the local Standard English of their birthplace than the Creole , while the second generation are much more likely to use London English than a form of Creole .
3 ‘ The best defence for our colonies , as well as for our coasts , ’ he had argued the previous year , ‘ is to have a squadron always to the westward … [ which ] may in all probability either keep the French in port , or give them battle with advantage if they come out . ’
4 Let us get a bit closer to the new clause .
5 wax jackets but they 're a waistcoat and I 've , I 've ordered one really just to see what it 's , it 's like , because erm at the moment I can , I just try and get a bit closer to the door , I think we 'll go round again , erm cos in the , in my club book at the moment , I , I can get twenty percent off and which brings it down to , it 's twe well say thirty pound so twenty per cent off it brings me down to erm brings it down to twenty four pounds and then erm with my commission off that brings it down to just under twenty one pound
6 as we got a bit nearer to the library .
7 In light of the above discussion this indicates that GGGCCC is curved in a direction opposite to the curvature of AAAAA .
8 Approaching from a direction opposite to the outbound leg , or at a large angle , will mean a procedure turn , or a parallel procedure .
9 An exclusion clause in a contract of sale can provide a defence only to the seller and only against a claim by the person to whom he sold .
10 Individualized justice is a response both to a twentieth-century tendency to view consequences in the short term , and to greater diversity of moral beliefs .
11 Bob Champion had been advised by Fred Winter , who had twice ridden the winner of the Grand National , to take a pull halfway to the first fence in order to prevent his mount from rushing at it .
12 The fighting in our immediate area seemed to have quietened down as we handed over the prisoners to join , I would think , about a couple of hundred , all gathered together in a field close to the orchard .
13 Every ten minutes an austere blouse steps into the gloom and calls a croucher forward to the cashier 's hatch .
14 The meeting will take the form of a review of library issues — problems , progress , setbacks and achievements — over the last five years , with a look forward to the future .
15 Finally … a look ahead to a special report on tomorrow night 's programme .
16 ( WES AD LIBS BACK REF ) ( ANNE ) Still to come on Central News , a look ahead to a motoring marathon .
17 Finally tonight , a look ahead to a series of reports focussing on the future of farming .
18 Before we go a look ahead to a special series on Central South next week .
19 Now a look ahead to a series of special reports on Central next week , when we look at the future of transport .
20 Finally tonight , a look ahead to a series of special reports starting tomorrow on Central .
21 Shereen 's there with a look ahead to the 6.30 edition of Scotland Today .
22 ( wes ad lib ) ( anne ) Still to come on Central News , a look ahead to the Henley Regatta .
23 First , a look ahead to the cup game with Bath on Saturday , which Mike wo n't be able to take part in because of a recent injury .
24 Let's join Bob Hall now for erm a look ahead to the weekend 's sport .
25 Except in those cases where contracts are population-based , which is not apparently envisaged in the new proposals , providers will have a responsibility only to the patients they treat and will have no responsibility for any particular population .
26 Similar results have also been obtained from Skjomen , a fjord close to the polar circle , and for Ullsfjorden , north of Tromsø .
27 Maynard flapped a hook straight to the man positioned at backward square leg for such a mistake .
28 a wedding close to the frontier ,
29 This is exemplified by a circular dome-shaped bead from Ur shaped in such a way as to expose one of the pale layers as a ring close to the perimeter .
30 The English were already noted for their addiction to beer — a luxury perhaps to the peasant , but a luxury very widely consumed .
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