Example sentences of "a [noun] [adv] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The other options were a route roughly following the A19 and one which ran parallel and close to the existing power line , skirting the North York Moors National Park .
2 Another man , again in an official car , was a bit late spotting the photographer and , as he turned into the car park , made a halfhearted attempt to pull on his seat belt .
3 Workhouse visiting committees composed of middle class ladies tried to place unmarried mothers as domestic servants and increasingly strove to keep mother and child together , but , as Mrs Hardie of the Manchester Ladies ' Health Society commented , their task was difficult : a mistress usually feared the presence of a young woman of immoral character in her family .
4 A MUM today hugged the new-born baby she feared might might have been injured in a hit and run car crash when she was eight and a half months pregnant .
5 In the same way that the spectacle of a butterfly or a peacock still arouses the feeling that there must be more to it than evolution , consciousness insists there must be more to itself than that .
6 A decision today to send the case to the Human Rights Court would be an embarrassment to the Government which would be forced to mount a vigorous defence of its policy against the IRA to justify the shootings under the human rights code .
7 A gang also razed the village of Gorsky , in the west of the Ferghana region .
8 The courts have themselves shown a willingness recently to subject the decisions of the police to the general principles developed in other areas of the law .
9 The scene where a husband and a whore accidentally rent the same bedroom as his wife and her toyboy is as skilfully worked out as anything in Feydeau .
10 A writer really envisaging the whole of his situation would , I suppose , not need to do this .
11 A cheque completely clearing the debt has been sent to Donovan 's lawyers .
12 The formation of a CU certainly breaches the principle of universal free trade because it practices discrimination against non-members .
13 Sometimes it may be necessary to give a concession simply to secure the sale .
14 Such a contract usually emphasises the director 's duty to act in the best interests of the company .
15 Modern secateurs are now so good , however , that professional opposition to them has virtually disappeared , and it is a rare sight indeed to see a knifesman carefully honing the curved blade with his special fine-grained carborundum stone , invariably kept in an oilskin tobacco pouch in his apron pocket .
16 It is not that Egyptians have found a sudden enthusiasm for Islamic fundamentalism ; a majority probably resents the terrorism that has chopped tourism in half .
17 His attitude to any form of authority was irreverent to say the least , and a story still went the rounds of how , at the age of fifteen , he won a sporting scholarship to a relatively new and very expensive boarding school .
18 ‘ I always thought that , you know , a wizard just said the magic words and that was that .
19 They conceived that what they represented was accurate : Henry V as a play genuinely celebrating the national character , the Elizabethans were imagined as believing in a stable world order .
20 The relatively restricted contrasts are invariably carried by open set elements ; the freely recurring contrasts may be carried by open set items ( as in mare : stallion ) , but the members of a pair of lexical items manifesting such a contrast frequently share the same open set element ( i.e. the root ) , the contrast being signalled by one or more closed set elements ) i.e. affixes ) :
21 But they spen they spend a lot of money on , on lights and they , I mean they they spend they spend about seven hours in here on a Friday just doing the lights and special effects and
22 You could look it up in a dictionary probably to find the origin of the word , people
23 Such a practice eventually attracted the suspicion and hostility of Parliament ; it opened up the possibility of the monarch exercising a substantial ‘ pay-roll ’ influence over Parliament itself .
24 A condition heavily testing the social fabric in this area is the impact of AIDS ; more than half of the children between 0–13 years have lost both their parents and are in need of assistance .
25 Another Mitchell known as " Puddin " was for many years tree planter in the village and at the later part of the 19th century planted trees around the cemetery , always maintaining he was one short , and if one takes the trouble to look there is a gap still awaiting the missing tree .
26 One Brownie picks out a card then gives the other Brownies a clue about the country .
27 The meaning of a complement exactly matches the presuppositions of its head if the following conditions are satisfied :
28 They formed a partnership solely to enter the competition , and did no other work together .
29 Section 28 has brought further uncertainty to the field of censorship and the law , and as a result further weakens the direction that in censorship librarians should be guided by the law .
30 Even Bevan reckoned that if the Labour Party were to campaign on a programme fully reflecting the aspirations of the rank and file party activists ‘ we could say goodbye to any Labour government being elected again in Britain' .
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