Example sentences of "a [noun] [adj] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 and er that may sound er a bit exaggerated but I can assure you that 's what happened , that er , to go to , to be able to file these , these little scraps of paper they had to stick it on another sheet
2 The receptionist would say : ‘ What 's wrong with you ? ’ and I 'd say : ‘ Well , actually it 's a bit personal and I 'd sooner see the doctor about it , ’ and they 'd say : ‘ Oh , we ca n't let you see the doctor until you tell us what 's wrong with you . ’
3 Like , it 's a bit ridiculous but I like
4 But , a bit obstreperous as I say . ’
5 I know it 's a bit early but I 'm going to ask Father Christmas for one !
6 I know it 's a bit dangerous but I would n't cut it down .
7 I remember feeling a bit disappointed as I went to school on the morning of my birthday — I 'd rather have stayed home and finished the aviary .
8 They played in here and slagged the place off which I thought was a bit pathetic but I do n't pretend that I like all their ideas .
9 Yeah Carrie went and as she , as she left he patted her on the bum which is , you know , a bit friendly and I said to Jess well look , put it this way , cos she 's really , she flirts a lot
10 He 's proud that Romeo & Juliet introduced children to both Shakespeare and Prokofiev ‘ in a way that makes them think it 's not culture and a bit boring and I wish I could go and watch Neighbours . ’
11 ‘ I 'd like to , ’ said Zach , ' but I never go to church so it 'd be a bit strange if I sing in it , wo n't it , me not even being a Christian . ‘
12 I was a bit drunk when I came to bed . ’
13 definitely look into that cos it could you know it it 'd be a bit annoying if I was five hundred pounds a thousand pounds short at the end of the day
14 And finally , staying with generalities on migration , I think it behoves us all to be a bit cautious because I see quite a lot of fantasy and fiction around in in this E I P and I 'd be guilty of it myself at times .
15 Dr Jim Swire , of the Lockerbie Action Group UK Families Flight 103 , said : ‘ The coincidence of the two flight numbers and the anniversary is a bit sinister and I find it hard to believe there is no connection .
16 Yeah , and it was getting a bit dark and I could n't see
17 Maybe I was being a bit greedy because I already had the one I have mentioned before made by Mrs Fawcett from West Birk Hatt .
18 To tell you the truth I was a bit miffed when I found out , but now I 'm beginning to see it from their point of view .
19 I get a bit bronchial if I stay in London in the winter .
20 ‘ There was one thing that struck me as a bit odd when I had a chance to look back on it .
21 And I 'm disappointed that the District Council officers nei ei any of the three come , I understand one 's ill , but I mean it seems a bit disappointing cos I did actually
22 a bit befuddled and I think everybody else was er
23 have been a bit dull but I do n't know .
24 It gets a bit hairy but I 'm used to it .
25 Er well I left the stuffing cos I , I did n't think I 'd left it in long enough , I put it in a bit late and I thought we 'd leave the stuffing .
26 Or rather it would be a bit dishonest if I did n't .
27 I 'm a bit nervous because I 'm not sure I 'm really ready yet to take on such a big responsibility .
28 I was a bit nervous because I did n't have a partner .
29 I noticed that she looked a bit unhappy so I went across to her , worried that she might be a bit of a madam and would n't like to associate with the likes of me .
30 It is a bit anthemic and I 've never liked groups of that kind .
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