Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun sg] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Every year there are about two hundred at risk babies , a blood condition that without special treatment can lead to death in the womb from inaemia or jaundice .
2 In an excess of enthusiasm I suggested to a GCE examiner that with the help of well-written programmes , we would soon enable nearly all students to pass O-level mathematics .
3 The district of Harrow received the largest influx of any local authority in Greater London between 1921 and 1938 ( 134,480 persons ) , though as a percentage increase that for Wembley was greater than for Harrow .
4 Euston , the first to open in July 1986 , included ‘ Le Croissant Shop ’ , a franchise business that at once complements and rivals Travellers-Fare .
5 There have been some very diverse schemes , including a wine company that after five years would offer investors a taste of the booty .
6 Right where 's Okay that 's gon na be a a C. Stick that in your locker when you go back in .
7 Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk , who chaired the meeting , announced at a news conference that after several hours of what were reported to be stormy discussions , 20 documents had been signed , notably including an agreement defining the status of the strategic forces and stipulating that their commander was subordinate to the Council of Heads of State and to the C.-in-C. of the joint armed forces of the CIS .
8 A world economy that in practice involved only two-thirds of its population — at best , and that included poor Africa — is gaining 3 billion new members .
9 Organisers of the 1994 World Cup finals admit they face an uphill battle in winning the support of US television viewers for a sporting event that to the rest of the world is bigger than even the Olympics .
10 Prime was brought down when to escape a hostile bid from MAI Systems Corp , it agreed to one of the last — and most doomed — leveraged buyouts in the computer industry by a group led by J H Whitney & Co , just before the boom fell on such transactions , which saddled Prime with a debt burden that at the time looked unsustainable — as so it has proved .
11 It has been suggested recently by a press commentator that without the CNAA there would be no polytechnics , and undoubtedly if the Council did not exist some similar body would be necessary to give the new institutions the opportunities they need for their full development .
12 However , he told a press conference that for deeply ingrained historical and cultural reasons , to integrate black and white school systems now would risk chaos in the education field as well as political and economic instability : ‘ One would probably increase the potential for conflict in the white community if eventually white education is controlled by anyone else but white people themselves . ’
13 This change results in a wave of electrical activity passing down the nerve cell membrane — a wave called an action potential that in a few milliseconds passes from the cell body along the axon to the synapse .
14 For the time being Microsoft has its guns trained on the Unix application base , but it is taking little or no effort to persuade ISVs to port to an operating system that by even its own admission wo n't be around until next Spring at the earliest .
15 The government puts particular blame on car makers and pharmaceutical companies for an inflation rate that in December was nearly 20% .
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