Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] [noun] when " in BNC.

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1 In our discussion in Chapter 1 about economy , efficiency and effectiveness , the technical problem was how we can meaningfully compare inputs and outputs to produce a measure of efficiency when outputs are not automatically valued by the market price .
2 Thus , use of " iff " indicates that a will be called a divisor of b when and only when the required c exists .
3 There is one other point , although erm you know , it 's good that they are in the er areas which the tenants er , live so it 's er not very difficult for tenants to come and see their councillors but er er , there is a difficulty at times when er the er air the housing manager has to ring around to get the er members , who are able to sit on that panel and sometimes that is difficult because we have just three members and sometimes they ca n't all fit in the , whereas when you have a larger group if one member ca n't attend , there 's invariably sufficient there to be able to come to a decision so I think that that 's on the other side of the balance sheet .
4 A change from times when she felt she ‘ had to act like she knew everything ’ .
5 This grew with the realization that deep chemical weathering would be the norm in many tropical areas and that many temperate areas included tor-like residuals which were a remnant from times when climatic conditions were warmer and wetter .
6 A series of new Isle of Man stamps featuring lifeboats was launched with a splash in February when the Douglas lifeboat Sir William Hillary was launched into the harbour with the Lieutenant Governor of the Island , Sir Laurence Jones , aboard .
7 Most battles indeed occurred as a result of sieges when , as at Châteauroux in June 1187 , a besieging army found itself faced by a relieving army .
8 Not surprisingly , these reports have tended to appear at times when fatalities have occurred as a result of fires when occupants have been asleep .
9 Brian created a piece of history when he invited his former teacher to a special church service .
10 Adam 's secretary was engrossed in totting up a column of figures when Lissa walked into his office on Monday morning .
11 Between disquisitions on Chinese opera and Venetian architecture , the story of Marco Polo 's voyage from Venice to Peking is more or less retold , though the narrative is continually being brought to a halt in moments when it half-realises that it does not mean enough .
12 After steadily improving his position in the opinion polls , Perot achieved a breakthrough in mid-May when , for the first time , he registered a higher rating than both of his main Republican and Democratic rivals .
13 I ate three small carrots and was half-way through a can of sardines when I noticed a sea shell in the sand almost beneath me .
14 So they breathed a sigh of relief when Bet Lynch , his missus , said she 'd stay behind as manager .
15 To consider that matter at a point of time when the child has been placed under protection for several weeks , first by a place of safety order and then by one or more interim care orders , would , as pointed out by Bush J. in M. v. Westminster City Council [ 1985 ] F.L.R. 325 , 340 , defeat the purpose of Parliament .
16 Narrative identification … is being rejected … at a point in time when gays can claim they still have not had it .
17 Was there a point in time when your sound actually clicked ?
18 Rather than identify a point in time when some separation was effected , it is more constructive to locate successive shifts in the degree of subordination and the grounds of differentiation .
19 The clinical interview provided information about the severity and diagnosis of disorders , but also enabled researchers to measure onset and course using a concept of change-points : a point in time when an increase or decrease in the number of symptoms led to a noticeable change in a woman 's psychiatric state .
20 I think that the competition will continue to increase , I mean this is not an industry where one has a soft trick and a lie down as we used to say in shipbuilding , I mean it really is a grind and a slog , and I think it 's important for all of our employees to understand that er there never will come a point in time when we can say ‘ right we 've got that done , we can lie back ’ .
21 But that day I was leaving the school gates with a group of boys when I saw Helen .
22 But , inspired by his mother , an untrained singer who knew hundreds of folk songs , he exhibited instinctive musical gifts from an early age , conducting a group of children when he was ten .
23 Later , relatives of another polio victim told the Derry Journal that he had been beaten up by a group of policemen when he went to buy cigarettes on the evening of Sunday 6 October .
24 There is always a danger of war when you have a face to face confrontation that is building up in the Gulf at the moment .
25 Here the bargaining stage has given way to a period of time when you feel it is just not possible to cope with the situation and the future looks bleak .
26 Captive-bred Pretty Tetras , have a much more brighter colouration than wild-caught specimens , the latter of which tend to lose this brightness over a period of time when kept in an aquarium .
27 Well when they put the flats up , I mean they could n't keep pets , and they had n't got a garden , and there was a period of time when er we were rather concerned .
28 In the early part of 1991 , before all this occurred , I went through a period of time when my find rate dropped drastically and on many occasions I went out and came back home with nothing at all .
29 From the mid century with the withdrawal of the regular Roman forces the country was under attack from the Saxon 's and Jutes , this continuing for a period of years when a gradual occupation of Kent took place .
30 I do not think there has ever been a period in history when there has been such a violent and irreversible change in the political and social order ( unless it be the long-term consequences of the Russian Revolution ) .
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