Example sentences of "a [noun] where [pers pn] is " in BNC.

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1 Our eyes do not wander randomly around the page when we are reading , but certain sorts of words are fixated more often than others ( O'Regan , 1979 ) , and this means that we must know in advance of a fixation where it is that we are going to look next .
2 The comment from , Scottish & Newcastle 's finance director , was typical : ‘ I think it 's a very important concept that the board through management is responsible for seeing that internal control works and for the day-to-day detection of fraud , while the auditors also have a responsibility where it is material and affects the annual accounts . ’
3 Mrs X is at present attending a college where she is studying science , and desperately wishes to take up embalming as a career , but unfortunately this is where the problem begins .
4 Comparison is also used to explain a current phenomenon by comparing the past experience of the group where it is occurring with that of a group where it is not occurring .
5 The eggs , even before they hatch , require great care , reducing the time a parent bird can spend finding food for itself and keeping it sitting on the ground or in the branches of a tree where it is exposed to much more danger than it would be in the air .
6 ‘ Suppose she left a message where she is ? ’
7 It is possible that the two women are one and the same , or that there is a serial killer on the prowl , but as none of Barbs 's friends or neighbours give a damn where she is , her continuing absence occasions little comment .
8 In the earlier view a work was regarded as a more or less arbitrarily agglomerated collection of defamiliarizing devices , but now it becomes important to see it as an entity , a structure or a system where it is the system which determines what the function of a given device will be , whether it will be foregrounded or automatized .
9 Perhaps this a characteristic to be expected of a country where it is said that one person in every three is a civil servant and that it requires 72 government permits to open a mild bar .
10 My advice is : avoid mefloquine , advise patients to take chloroquine , and add Paludrine when they reach a country where it is obtainable .
11 My mum does n't have a clue where he is and says she does n't think she can divorce him because of this for all we know he could be dead .
12 My mum does n't have a clue where he is and says she does n't think she can divorce him because of this for all we know he could be dead .
13 Given the large crowds , moreover , professional soccer provides a context where it is relatively easy to escape detection and arrest , and last but not least , a group of outsiders , the opposing team and its fans , comes regularly into the home territory where they are perceived as invaders and targets for attack .
14 The eye is the infantile , incipient and sometimes scarcely discernible growth bud that forms in the axil or angle of a leaf where it is attached to a stem .
15 This is his favourite event , together with the Open — an event where he is as surprised as he is flattered by the support he gets from the British public .
16 The organisational changes that come with white-collar CCT and its attendant activities create an environment where it is all the more imperative for the traditionally federal style of Town Hall management to look very carefully at how it manages its electronic records .
17 A mother who is living in an environment where she is very isolated and whose general social contacts with neighbours , relatives , and husband are mostly unhappy or antagonistic is likely to behave differently from a mother who generally has pleasant interactions with most people but occasionally experiences some aggressive reactions from her child .
18 Calling upon Congress to honour the nation 's veterans by giving them " an America where it is safe to walk on the streets " , Bush challenged Congress to pass his proposed crime bill within 100 days .
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