Example sentences of "a [noun] that [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 We also have er a branch that deals with juvenile crime as well .
2 However , the Convention eventually eschewed any notion of deposition , and settled on the view that James had abdicated , a decision that met with approval from Whigs as well as Tories .
3 This is a decision that arises with videocassette machines because players are cheaper than recorders .
4 Personally I would be pleased to find a driver that works with any variety of the printer I had — after a life of driving everything as an Epson FX-80 that would be progress !
5 There is a difficulty with Jenny , of a kind that came with the innocent of the previous novel .
6 The transfer of these women from general practitioner care to hospital care accounts for much of the apparent mortality advantage of general practitioner units , a finding that contrasts with Tew 's observations .
7 Their slow learning can not be explained by assuming that the pre-exposed tone tended to evoke a response that interfered with lever pressing .
8 Other treks cross the two fine Arctic National Parks , Uhro Kekkonen to the east , and Lemmenjoki park in the north , a park that links with the Øvre Anarjokka Park that lies in Norway , to the east of Kautokeino , capital of Norwegian Lappland .
9 A horse that pulls with his ears forward tends to be just eager .
10 Recently , biotinylated GST-c-Ab1 fusions have been used to detect protein interactions on Western blots ( 5 ) and a protein that interacts with c-Myc was identified by screening a cDNA library with a radiolabelled GST fusion ( 6 ) .
11 There is no reason why the intermediate stage should not be eliminated or why a search that starts with alphabetical index terms can not be directly translated into records at appropriate class numbers .
12 Police have named the six people travelling in a car that crashed with an ambulance on its way to an emergency call .
13 I remember a morning like that in Derbyshire … a morning with so much Day-Glo orange cardboard sprouting on poles from so many fields that by 11am I was near suicide — a mood that ended with the discovery that the posters were for a popular brand of fertiliser .
14 Even women , who for a whole variety of familiar reasons , do not call themselves feminists , know that whatever else women 's liberation means , it represents a standpoint that begins with women and with the intention of reconstituting the world for women as a better place .
15 A Plan That Grows With You
16 And that sparked a run that ended with cap No 29 when the Wallabies won the World Cup 12-6 .
17 Are you talking about a boy that plays with Sarah ?
18 The motor racing world was stunned because , in a sport that flirts with death , there were many drivers who thought that if it could happen to Clark , it could happen to any of them .
19 The large numbers of new aircraft entering service made it obvious that ‘ on-squadron ’ conversion would have to give way to a proper Operational Conversion Unit ( OCU ) and so in the latter part of 1951 , 231 OCU was formed at RAF Bassingbourn , a place that became with the Canberra .
20 We have a body that deals with police here and they should be doing there duties , no good the local police tell us there 's only eight members a shift , cos we do n't believe it , they get on the Council and so they someone say what about all these other places that are being robbed of a night time . .
21 Sometimes the movement of farmers into these regions is actively encouraged by government policies ; elsewhere it is an indirect result of policies that have forced peasants off their lands in order to develop cash cropping and ranching , a process that began with colonial settlement ( section 4.4 ) .
22 They 're the classic example of a band that thinks with one brain , and if you took one component out it would n't happen . ’
23 Keegan had a sorry end to a match that began with such bright promise .
24 Undoubtedly it was going to be a beautiful day , a summer 's day such as is unequalled anywhere in the world but in the South of England , a day that begins with mists , burgeons into tropical glory and dies in blue and gold and stars .
25 It 's an explosive climax to a day that begins with the 65-strong Sky crew , 40 technical staff and a 25-man production team , parking their giant mobile studios outside the stadium at first light .
26 Well it it was this this old wife had a a fairy that lived with her and apparently it was n't an uncommon thing .
27 A wall that bristled with bayonets and barbed wire .
28 It was George who encouraged Lucy at the start of her career — a career that began with a typewriter on the kitchen table at the couple 's council house in Derby .
29 During a career that started with junk TV through small film roles to her current stardom , Michelle also had to cope with the breakup of her marriage to Peter Horton , the star of American TV show Thirtysomething , which is now screened in Britain .
30 Then I remembered a leaflet that came with my old washing machine 30 years ago .
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