Example sentences of "a [noun] he [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 After two rides in company we went out on our own , on a route he had already covered with Paddy .
2 It 's a route he has just retraced for the character of Fergus , the IRA man who attempts to re-make his life in The Crying Game ] , an experience Jordan understands well .
3 He poured it from a Victorian coffee pot waiting on a hotplate and launched into a description of a case he 'd just won punctuated by blasts of laughter and big gestures .
4 A decision he had never regretted .
5 I asked him why he hit a 3-wood off the tee and he said he had to ; when he hits a driver he has absolutely no idea where the ball will go ! "
6 Daly achieved instant super-stardom when , as ninth reserve and without a caddie , he got into the 1991 US PGA Championship at the last minute , and played like a God for four days on a course he 'd never previously seen to win it .
7 When this failed to elicit a response he turned directly to the larger .
8 The proud possessor of a fragment of the Infant Jesus 's vest , a toy he had once played with ( Benjamin would have been proud of that ) , and a hair from St Peter 's beard which could cure the ague or a sore throat .
9 Whether or not he was altogether comfortable in such a role is another matter ; when Lawrence Durrell once suggested to him that he was not a Christian at all but more like a Buddhist or a primitive he replied only with a question , " Perhaps they have n't found me out yet ? "
10 In a preface he drafted shortly before his death for a prospective collection of his verse , the man who has come to epitomize the soldier-poet wrote : ‘ Above all I am not concerned with Poetry .
11 He welcomed the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and William III appointed him a commissioner of the Admiralty , a responsibility he took very seriously , effectively using Whitehaven for gathering intelligence during the Irish war of 1689–90 .
12 He left the room and in his bed he wept with a violence he had never known before , spasm following spasm .
13 However , this made him re-examine the foundations of his faith and as a result he became more convinced of their truth than ever .
14 As a result he has here resolved many conundrums about Ferrier 's professional career , and where possible answered queries about recording dates — though even he can not clear up discrepancies about what appears in Ferrier 's diaries on recording dates and what is to be found in Decca 's schedules of the time .
15 As a result he has relatively little to say about questions of literary form .
16 Then the seas settled a little , and a boat came , carrying a crew he recognised and a Skyeman he knew well , but who would not meet his eye .
17 pussy cat needs a cut he head too
18 He moves onto a review he 's just read of his book Eyes To The Hills , considers in detail the argument it follows and expresses frustration that his rigorous intellectual approach has been mistaken for pretension .
19 For a second he looked across at her .
20 Devlin completes his lecture by returning to a question he had briefly considered at the beginning , and one which is central here ; that of the relationship between the Church and the moral order .
21 With a nod he disappeared forward .
22 Tolkien perhaps found such opinions in a work he knew well , King Alfred the Great 's personal translation of Boethius into Old English .
23 A pity he went alone , however .
24 A skill he has obviously picked up under the guidance of Dalglish .
25 The waxed calabashes of oils and spices , the pouches of prepared tobacco , the bricks of indigo and necklaces of shells and seeds they offered Kit and his party betrayed how important a stake he had unwittingly obtained ; it had been a remarkable experience , he had to admit , receiving the embassy .
26 Whenever Robinson struck for a grip he moved quickly and broke it , never allowing the older man to settle .
27 A butterfly he has always wanted to catch .
28 ‘ … he said that a girl he knew once used to do it while in a handstand position .
29 Nina came in soon after , flapping her arms like pterodactyl wings , and pounced on a girl he had never seen before .
30 To be thinking of marriage , at this age , to a girl he had never seen , who might be ugly , stupid and inert , where he was handsome , intelligent and almost excessively alive !
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