Example sentences of "a [noun] to how the " in BNC.

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1 Now he thinks he can work it in , which I 'm pleased about because if this is the way the Indians react to me and Matt then maybe that 's a pointer to how the fans will go .
2 The left , by contrast , saw the greater worker and state involvement in the economy as a pointer to how the crisis could be resolved in the interests of working people ( chapter 18 ) .
3 This was partly a reference to how the game was played : its new emphasis on the professional foul , dossiers on opposition players , new fitness training methods and greater tactical awareness .
4 For harmony licks like these you 'll find that where you pick and where you pull off or hammer-on really makes a difference to how the harmony sounds .
5 These pages are intended as a guide to how the movement came about and to describe the archetypal skinhead of the 1967–72 period .
6 More important , since Pound 's use of indentations conveys visually the effect of the verse-lines being ‘ stepped ’ down the page , to speak of ‘ step ’ shifts attention from what rhythmically happens between the start and end of a line to how the poet manages to turn from one line to another .
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